A Nintendo community
by the fans!
Posted: 06/11/22, 06:26 by 
THERE WILL BE SOME SPOILERS If that sounds okay, then bring on the wall of text!.. (more)
Posted: 05/24/21, 06:13 by 
I’ve been on a real retro games kick lately, which has been somewhat spurred on by a feeling of disillusionment with a lot of modern gaming practices (including even Nintendo), but that’s a whole other topic that I don’t need to get into... (more)
Posted: 07/25/20, 18:53 by 
Amidst the discussion of Breath of the Wild 2, Zelda's shorter haircut and role in the trailer has had fans wondering if she might be playable this time. Which naturally moves into the realm of whether a female Link should be a thing too. From what I've read, pretty much no one shares my opinion on all this which is: no to playable Zelda, yes to female Link, no to picking your gender of Link at the beginning of the game... (more)
Posted: 06/30/20, 22:40 by 
What do you think of Mario 64 from the perspective of 2020? Great game, huh?.. (more)
Posted: 04/01/17, 17:48 by 
Should Nintendo really be promoting something like war?.. (more)
Posted: 04/01/17, 15:55 by 
cant play injustice two (more)
Posted: 12/29/16, 01:14 by 
This article was originally written for Secret Tunnel Times. If you have a soul, read it there instead... (more)
Posted: 12/20/16, 09:26 by 
This article was originally written for Secret Tunnel Times. If you have a soul, read it there instead... (more)
Posted: 04/01/16, 22:52 by 
There was a time in my life when it felt like Nintendo was there for me. Coming home from playing elementary school to play Mario Sunshine, back in Nintendo's golden years of the Gamecube, when they were literally on top of the gaming industry, I felt... safe. I wanted Mario to wrap his short, flabby, psuedo-caucasian arms around me. Was I buying into a literal shameless power fantasy? Yes. But... it felt right... (more)
Posted: 06/17/15, 19:50 by 
I was a lot more nervous than excited as yesterday's Digital Event approached. That's unusual. I love E3, the big reveals and surprises get me giddy, but my Nintendo spider sense (Gohma sense?) was tingling. Danger!.. (more)
Posted: 12/04/14, 04:15 by 
It's a sad but true fact that 3rd party publishers and developers have all but abandoned the Wii U. Sure, we're getting a small handful of 3rd party games here and there, but nothing of note. It's a dry and barren wasteland and there is nothing to look forward to now or in the near future... (more)
Posted: 09/06/14, 09:58 by 
I honestly have no idea if "GamerGate", the latest manifestation of the drama involving well... people and things I won't get into here because enough has been said about whatever sins they may or may not have committed... is a huge thing in the greater video game world or not. It has blown up on pretty much every major gaming site and forum, and even mainstream, non-gaming sites like Forbes have gotten into the mix. Oh, and word is that actor Adam Baldwin of Full Metal Jacket / Firefly / etc. fame was the one who actually created the gamergate hashtag on Twitter... or something? I can't even follow everything at this point. But whether the majority of the millions of gamers out there know or care about GamerGate, I can't say... (more)