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Posted: 06/16/11, 23:33 by 
If there's one game that I can safely say I know like the back of my hand, it's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A lot of you out there would probably say the same thing. Well, let's see how many of these tricks you know about!.. (more)
Posted: 10/29/13, 22:50 by 
Metroid is one of the absolute best franchises in video gaming, producing some of the greatest video games ever made, and if you disagree with that obviously true statement you are no friend of mine. However, it isn’t exactly as prolific of a Nintendo franchise as Mario or Zelda, and in fact, disregarding re-releases, a trilogy compilation, and a pinball game (yep, there was a Metroid pinball game), there are only ten Metroid titles released to date. Coincidentally, there are only ten spots in a top ten list. I think that we can all agree that this is god’s way of telling me that I had no choice but to put together this list. Or the aliens telling me. Either way works... (more)
Posted: 05/20/13, 01:54 by 
Animal Crossing... I still remember getting up early before heading to my high school classes just to see what Tom Nook was selling that day. This game series has always held such a dear place in my heart. I think it has to do with the fact that heading to the land of Plaisant, Tranquil, or other towns of mine always being a great escape for me. Making Bells, filling my catalog, and fishing in the ocean were always points of peace for me. While I've been very public about my discontent with AC: City Folk, I have a new-found hope once more for New Leaf. From all the information that has been dished out due to the game's release already in Japan, and Nintendo pushing more information through Nintendo Directs, I am confident this game will be a fresh take on a classic and comforting idea... (more)
Posted: 02/12/13, 20:14 by 
Virtual Boy. Cel-shaded Zelda. 7.9. There've been some shocking reveals and ruffled feathers in Nintendo's past for sure, but I'd argue that none have been as widely-despised as Ubisoft's recent decision to push back Rayman Legends' release date to September. I'd use the word "controversial" here, but that would imply that people have a variety of opinions on the subject...which frankly, isn't really the case outside of some (read: not most) Ubisoft employees... (more)
Posted: 04/17/10, 06:23 by 
The New MH3U Thread is lead by Mr_Mustache. Click Here for the thread... (more)
Posted: 09/15/14, 00:22 by 
Every new generation a great dawn emerges where a new game in the acclaimed Super Smash Bros. series graces Nintendo's newest consoles… for the Wii U, that time is almost upon us. Nintendo is truly pulling out all the stops with this one. Here's the breakdown on what we can expect… (Learn more at the Super Smash Bros. website.) (more)
Posted: 02/10/13, 01:03 by 
And here we are... (more)
Posted: 06/14/12, 17:58 by 
The short story is that Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency has started a Kickstarter to explore the stereotypes of females in video games. Or well, why not just hear it in her words?.. (more)
Posted: 11/17/11, 19:54 by 
Visit The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword in our game database (add it to your collection/log and rate it!) (more)
Posted: 01/12/13, 19:34 by 
Ah, the Super Nintendo, aka the best darn video game system known to mankind. As you may or may not know, I am not only a big fan of video game music, but I also do some remixes from time to time (such as the BIT.TRIP remix featured in our podcast) as well as write my own music. I am currently in the midst of creating a video game soundtrack for a game that does not exist anywhere outside of my head. Well, I’m calling it a soundtrack, but it might just end up a mishmosh of semi-related, sort-of-gamey-sounding music. We’ll see... (more)
Posted: 06/12/14, 22:15 by 
Splatoon is Nintendo's unique twist on the shooter genre. Shoot ink on both your friends and environments to win the match! Players can turn into squids and 'swim' through their team's ink color. Players can also use their team's ink color to slow down enemy movement. It's ink or be inked in this chaotic marriage of third person shooters, de Blob, and good ole fashioned paintball... (more)
Posted: 10/25/14, 23:10 by 
My alternate title of "Is Bayonetta sexist?!" would probably have gotten way more hits. But nah, not going to go there. I sort of hate articles that ask controversial questions in the title that you know darn well they won't give a definitive answer to... (more)