A Nintendo community
by the fans!
Posted: 07/10/24, 00:30 by 
Good Day to all you Negative Worlders! Thank you for your patience for these long-awaited results! I had a bit of a personal matter crop up which really has life in a new direction at the moment, and so this unfortunately was delayed for a bit. But alas, here we have the results of this year’s Predict-a-ton! It was nice of Nintendo to give us a heads up on a presentation this year and I felt that this Nintendo Direct was all around a nice fat A. It didn’t have a new Mario or Splatoon but it had a new mainline Zelda, a major shock to start things off, and of course the epic return of Metroid Prime. After some picks being part of the predict-a-ton for past years, I personally went a bit away from some predictions I had previously made and boy I wish I hadn’t done that. Nonetheless, thank you all for participating! Let’s take a look at the results... (more)
Posted: 02/14/24, 02:35 by 
Before we get started, I want to clarify to anyone who has stumbled upon our GOTY awards that we are a Nintendo-focused site, and our awards reflect that. This doesn’t mean that we don’t love and play games on other platforms, but for the sake of these awards we stick to games that appear on Nintendo platforms only... (more)
Posted: 01/14/24, 21:51 by 
STAY TUNED!.. (more)
Posted: 11/13/23, 22:55 by 
I've wanted to rank all of the Mega Man classic series robot masters for a long, long time now. I have loose top 10 rankings in my head but to do all of them? That would be a monumental task. I didn't think I'd ever find the time and energy to do it. But I finally decided to just pull myself together and get it done... (more)
Posted: 06/29/23, 18:33 by 
Nintendo was incredibly curt with their announcement window for the June 2023 Nintendo Direct. I think next year I’ll have to just prepare something for the start of June and hope a Direct still happens. Nonetheless, the summer was kicked off with a Nintendo Direct and it’s clear that things didn’t go the way many of us expected them to. I give the presentation the highest B+ I can personally, but there was a lot to love throughout. Thank you to all who participated in the Predict-a-ton on such short notice. There was less than 24 hours to get your votes in and we actually had a sizable participation compared to last year. I appreciate that so much. I didn’t have time to make a Google Forms and incorporate those outside of the Negative World forums this time, so it’s back to a year of being all intimate with the Negative World crew. Just like the old days! That all said, Let’s take a look at the results... (more)
Posted: 02/10/23, 21:22 by 
Before we get started, I want to clarify to anyone who has stumbled upon our GOTY awards that we are a Nintendo-focused site, and our awards reflect that. This doesn’t mean that we don’t love and play games on other platforms, but for the sake of these awards we stick to games that appear on Nintendo platforms only... (more)
Posted: 12/20/22, 21:01 by 
Hey all, it's that time of the year again! I need your help to put together our GOTY nominations! Here are some things to remember: (more)
Posted: 09/20/22, 04:09 by 
What a weird year it was for Nintendo Directs. We started getting back into the swing of things but when E3 2022 was cancelled, we all hoped Nintendo would still stick to the usual schedule and provide us with a news blowout in June. That didn’t happen. However we did get a Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase at the end of June and then a slew of announcements in July and into early August. It was in early-September when we finally received a truly new and fully stocked Nintendo Direct. Well over forty games were mentioned. However all this made for a very peculiar situation regarding the Predict-a-ton. What is seen as a game meant to hype up E3 for the week or two before turned into something that stretched well beyond the intended timeline... (more)
Posted: 09/07/22, 18:14 by 
Yep, I actually finished and released it!.. (more)
Posted: 01/24/22, 20:44 by 
Before we get started, I want to clarify to anyone who has stumbled upon our GOTY awards that we are a Nintendo-focused site, and our awards reflect that. This doesn’t mean that we don’t love and play games on other platforms, but for the sake of these awards we stick to games that appear on Nintendo platforms only... (more)
Posted: 12/24/21, 01:55 by 
Hey all, it's that time of the year again! I need your help to put together our GOTY nominations! Here are some things to remember: (more)
Posted: 06/20/21, 06:37 by 
The wonderful time of year known as E3 has finally come to a close. This year was a peculiar one, with all events taking place virtually. There was no show floor and off-screen footage; no live interviews; no wondrous Nintendo-themed landscape cultivated on the cold carpet of a vast convention center. For some companies this was a bit of a departure, though the show has gone more in the direction of being ‘pre-prepared’ more and more in recent years. Nintendo was pretty comfortable with their presentation. They had a thirty-nine-or-so minute presentation at their usual time slot. Afterwards were many hours of live Nintendo Treehouse coverage of games. The only difference was that hosts sat farther apart. Otherwise, you never would have known they were taking pandemic-related precautions. There was even the usual slew of information that you wonder why it wasn’t noted in the Direct itself as it would have made the initial presentation of a title a lot more interesting... (more)