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Technically the fourth game in the series (after Operation C on the Game Boy), this would be the first 16-bit Contra game released. It featured a selectable difficulty for the first time, allowing players of various skill levels to try their luck at the game. Contra III also utilized Mode 7 graphical effects in a couple of the stages, and the overall gameplay was both more intense, and more "cinematic" than the NES or arcade games. This is the first game in the series where the focus arguably shifted more towards fighting bosses, rather than fighting a bunch of smaller enemies charging at you, though there's some of the latter present as well. Overall, this became one of the most well-regarded games in the series; some considering it even better than the original NES Contra.
Out of 18 user(s) who marked the game in their log:
11% (2) have yet to "do" it |
17% (3) have given up upon it |
28% (5) finished it completely |