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Super Metroid (Nintendo SNES) discussion [game]
9.64/10 from 107 user ratings |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for Super Metroid on the SNES!
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One of the best games of all time, or the best game of all time? I won't listen to any discussion that doesn't acknowledge one of those two options. Metroid has always been a kind of strange Nintendo franchise to me. Most of the other franchises (at least from Nintendo internal developers) have a sort of similar tone... cartoonish, colorful, etc. Metroid though is just a straight up slick sci-fi thriller. Anyway, I remember renting this game with my cousin and not really knowing what to expect, because to be honest, I never really got into the original Metroid game much don't kill me. Super Metroid, however, changed my world. I played through like half of the game in a single rental, and then went out and bought it later to play the rest. And then played through it a few more times. It's just so freaking brilliant. Awesome progression mechanics, awesome boss fights, awesome music... awesome everything. The controls are a tad bit awkward to go back to, but they still work. Best game ever? Probably. URL to share (right click and copy)
10/13/12, 23:26 Edited: 10/13/12, 23:29
I got the game for 30 cents but only this week did I play through the entire thing. Still a great game.
I started it up as soon as I bought it months ago, but quit soon after getting the power bombs, I believe. That seems to be the point in the game where I decide to put it aside. I think that's because, if I'm not mistaken, the next main item you're supposed to get is the grappling hook, and it's all the way in Norfair. You just got the power bomb in Brinstar, and the game kind of makes you go up to Crateria, then Brinstar again, then Maridia, then Norfair. You basically go on a tour of every area save the Wrecked Ship. And sure, you're getting items that you couldn't get before while you're on this tour, but it still feels like a drag to me. Especially since you're passing by a lot of items that you still can't get normally. |
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