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Your top 5 (non-Square Enix) RPGs on Nintendo systems? [roundtable]
Inspired by Anand's 'choose your top 5' roundtable, I am curious to find out your opinion on another topic dear to my heart: what are your top 5 non-Square Enix RPGs on Nintendo systems? I decided to make it non-Square Enix to avoid the Chrono Triggers, Final Fantasies, and Dragon Quests that will surely pop up on many lists. I'm still thinking about my list. It definitely has Xenoblade, Earthbound, perhaps Breath of Fire II. Maybe Last Story? I'm going to need a Pokemon game on there too (and a Mario RPG, for sure). There's also Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Skies of Arcadia Legends... Note: I'm considering strategy RPGs a different genre, so Fire Emblem won't be on my list. I'll give it some thought; in the mean time, what about you? URL to share (right click and copy)
10/05/12, 18:40 Edited: 10/05/12, 19:17
Well, I think this is my list. Stache, I also used my NW ratings to help guide my ranking!5) Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door 4) Xenoblade 3) Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story 2) Pokemon White 1) Earthbound -- The Last Story was awesome but ranks a little bit below these others. --Too bad I can't include The World Ends With You: it's quite a departure from Square's other games! --Some of my close calls were Breath of Fire II, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Tales of Symphonia, and Baten Kaitos. --I have yet to play Tales of the Abyss or Radiant Historia! --There wasn't as much Lufia on everyone's list as I had expected (except for @Zero of course, and @TriforceBun's runner-up. Mr_Mustache said:5. Tecmo Secret of the Stars?? (huhhhhh?) I barely even remember hearing about that game! Mr_Mustache said:Yet to play Illusion of Gaia (saw it here, but isn't that Square, too?). Illusion of Gaia is an Enix game (Quintet), though I could see it being fair game since it was published by Nintendo outside of Japan. Hhmmm.... |
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