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Nintendo 3DS June 6, 2011 Update Status: LIVE
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06/07/11, 00:38 Edited: 06/07/11, 07:47
One thing, is every game that was available for the DSi, can it be downloaded to the 3DS, meaning are all the same games in the store?
One thing I thought was strange, I just typed in Dragon's Lair( and the apostraphe needs to be included, without it the game wouldn't come up) but thats only one of my issues, there is also Dragon's Lair 2, but there was no actual little picture for the game, until I typed it in the search engine.
Shouldn't every single game have its only picture tile. If everygame is not pictured, how would I know what games are available and thier titles? Does that make sense? Say if I never heard of Dragon's Lair 2, then I would never think to type that game in the search engine, thus I would never know it exsists?
I am pretty sure I checked every category and there was no Dragon'e Lair 2 tile..so I am assuming there are many other DSi games available and since I never had a DSi, I would never know the games available for download for the DSi, so that means I would never have the chance to look at that game and thus I would never think about buying it.
I hope that makes sense. So, I guess I am complaining about that, but shouldn't every single DSi ware game be shown or listed? And if I overlooked something, please let me know. |
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