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Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection on the Switch
8/10 from one rating

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12/28/24, 02:27  
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Has anyone played this? Apparently reviewers say it was mid because TOO HARD, but a couple of my favorite indie critics say it's really great, so I picked it up on sale!

Played a little bit last night, it's very fun. I was saying earlier this year that these non-Mario, less dynamic platformers feel like they're about drilling a specific set of moves that you're expected to recite back. No improvisation, only mastery! Learning enemy patterns for the sake of learning enemy patterns is a bit less interesting than a more improvisational systemic game, especially removed from the social arcade context, but there's something refreshingly straightforward about it.
12/28/24, 02:33   
Bought it when it was on sale also. Haven't actually started it yet because this series is balls-crushingly difficult and I'm weak. Not gonna lie about it.
01/05/25, 00:20   
Oh hey.

I play this on my Steam Deck. It's hard and I'm terrible at it, but I like it. Perhaps someday I'll get good.
01/16/25, 00:13   
A rare @Kal-El814 post!

*throws Master Ball*
01/16/25, 04:21   
You've inspired me to finally pick it up. I was so excited for this game, but haven't even started it.

I'm just drowning in Library rentals and demos and PS+ games. I can barely keep my head above water!

Anyway, the first level theme of Ghosts'n'Goblins might be my favorite gaming track. Whimsically spooky.
01/16/25, 23:07   
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