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General amiibo Discussion Thread
amiibo is certainly turning out to be a big thing in Nintendo's eyes. Whether or not the rewards for utilizing each amiibo is worthy to you, Nintendo plans to implement all sorts of bonuses. It appears right now that every amiibo is meant to do 'something' in each game though games not featuring certain characters may have more limited uses or lesser-valued ones. We've had plenty of threads on here for amiibo and I'm sure that will continue. Still, I wanted to establish a general discussion thread that doesn't have a specific focus or thought. We'll also use this thread for informing the forums about upcoming news regarding new waves of amiibo or new compatibility. Enjoy! Tell us which amiibo you're planning to get! To get the party started, here are the various waves of amiibo on their way, compatibility information from Nintendo's website, and various links to other threads regarding amiibo.

Known amiibo

Super Smash Bros.

Yarn Yoshi

Super Mario


Animal Crossing (multiple waves)

Animal Crossing amiibo Cards

30th Anniversary Mario

Chibi-Robo, Shovel Knight, and Mega Man

Skylanders Superchargers - Bowser and DK

The Legend of Zelda

Compatible Games

Super Smash Bros for Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Mario Party 10, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Yoshi's Woolly World, Splatoon, CodeName: S.T.E.A.M., ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON LEGACY, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, and more…

Nintendo's amiibo Website

URL to share (right click and copy)
11/18/14, 01:30    Edited: 02/05/16, 15:49
Just went out hunting for amiibo, found Wii Fit Trainer, but not Marth or Villager.
12/10/14, 04:03   

I don't think Rosalina & Luma were ever up for pre-order anywhere, so I wouldn't worry about it yet.


Nice find! I saw five of her this morning at Wal-Mart, but none of the other rares. TRU was out of Marth too (or else I would have scooped the rest of them up and sold them at cost to my friends on NW).
12/10/14, 04:04   
Edited: 12/10/14, 04:06

I guess Lucario is just flat out sold out for Pre-orders. This is kinda a fugly situation. Do you think THAT many Lucario fans wanted it or that scalpers knew it would be rare and bought a bunch. I saw on Toysrus's site for other amiibo a 5-amiibo limit.. why 5? That seems unnecessary. Though I admit I could be complaining without knowing the whole story.
12/10/14, 04:21   

No idea why they limit you to five...but oh well. Lucario isn't a dealbreaker for me since I'm not collecting the Pokemon at all.
12/10/14, 04:33   

I actually think it should be a smaller limit if it means preventing people from buying a ton just to re-sell but I'm sure it'd be easy to bypass.

Btw, that's 5 of a single amiibo, not total.

As for collecting, I don't know where I should stop. I figure why not try to own the whole collection but maybe I should just order what I truly want. I dunno. I'm conflicted!
12/10/14, 04:37   

I'm the same way. I wanted them all, but I'm not paying out the nose to get them, so I'm going back to my original amiibo "strategy" and just getting the ones I know I want.

I own every Disney Infinity figure from the original except for nine of them (the Cars Play Set, Lone Ranger & Tonto, Phineas & Agent P, and Jack Skellington because I don't really want any of them) and all from 2.0 except for most of the Disney Originals (because I can't afford them at the moment). I didn't pay more than $15 for any of them except for one figure (Randall for $19) and I got several from 2nd & Charles used for store credit, a lot of B2G1 deals, etc.
12/10/14, 04:51   

Rosalina is going to be Target exclusive, and it's not available for pre order now.

I ended up with 2 Lucarios in my cart when I checked out earlier and I didn't want to mess with my order by canceling one. Assuming you can't snag one, I end up with two, and you don't mind giving me your address, I will hook you up with the extra one.
12/10/14, 05:04   

Kal-El! You are the man! Between Ludist, Kal-El, Cryojin, and others who have helped me this year, I'm truly so happy to have friends and peers like you all. Awesome.

Thank You Kal-El. I'll be checking the Toysrus website periodically and will hopefully catch wind of a re-print or new stock for pre-order. This item is still two months out but I will not forget your offer! lol. Thanks man. I have no problem sharing my address. Like with Ludist, I'll have to either gift you an Amazon card or maybe buy you an e-Shop game of equal value for your shipping/item/trouble. We'll work it out if and when the time comes.

As for Rosalina, that makes sense now. I'll have to keep an eye out for that news on Rosalina when she's finally available. Before I was aiming to buy them all, Rosalina was one of three KEY ones I wanted from Round 3 (along with King Dedede and Bowser).

Again, seriously you all. I love this community and the generosity.
12/10/14, 05:49   
Found a Beautiful Marth at Toys R Us tonight, and didn't have enough coin for their one remaining Wii Fit Trainer. If its still there on Friday, I can snake it then. We'll see, I guess..
12/10/14, 06:47   

Nice! Marth is quite rare. No Villagers, eh? I'm having no luck with those. I guess I could import one...
12/10/14, 06:59   
I think I'm going to keep my eyes open for the actual release dates of these things and hit up some brick and mortar stores on those dates.
Do we know yet when group 2 is available?
12/10/14, 07:34   
Edited: 12/10/14, 07:35

If it ends up coming through, no worries about reciprocity; I'm willing to give away the extra.


Target circulars suggest it'll be the 14th, and that's when amazon is listing that wave 2 figures will ship. So next week looks to be the week.
12/10/14, 07:56   
I've got an extra Wii Fit Trainer if anyone wants to swap me for a Marth or Villager.

I'm totally a self-hating geek right now.
12/10/14, 09:18   

We need a Kool Guy Kal-El meme generator! Thanks again.
12/10/14, 12:54   
Edited: 12/10/14, 13:08
I've got to pick up a few groceries at Target on my lunch break. I'll check to see if any rares are still there.
12/10/14, 15:51   
I found a bunch of Wii Fit Trainers at the Nintendo World Store if anyone wants me to go snag some. Still hunting for Marth and Villager though.
12/10/14, 19:58   
target.com is out of stock on: Villager, Marth, Wii Fit Trainer, Samus, and Fox

amazon.com is low on stock for Samus and Fox, and out of Villager, Marth, and Wii Fit Trainer

Shit is weird.
12/10/14, 20:29   
Edited: 12/10/14, 20:31
I was at Wal-Mart doing shopping and decided the stroll through...and there was a Villager. So now I have all of the rares.
12/10/14, 20:30   



Shit is weird!

I've still got to obtain the basic six. Mario, Peach, Pikachu, Fox, Kirby, and Link. Hoping for these as Christmas gifts. In tempted to get them myself but I wanted to provide stocking stuffer ideas. I just hope this doesn't bite me in the ass. That'd be crazy if fox or link sold out all together.
12/10/14, 20:37   

I'll hold to this idea: most of those amiibo won't be discontinued for a loooong time, especially Link. They're unlocks in Mario Kart 8, so that would cause a huge stink if they were discontinued.
12/10/14, 20:44   
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