A Nintendo community
by the fans!
's Profile
My trophies (hover over for info) 
Created 10 topic posts. Created 25 reply posts. Created 100 reply posts. Created 500 reply posts. Created 1,000 reply posts. Obtained 1,000 XP. Obtained 10,000 XP. Obtained 50,000 XP. Obtained 250,000 XP. 

Obtained 1,000,000 XP. Added 10 games to collection. Added 25 games to collection. Added 50 games to collection. Added 100 games to collection. 
My top games
de Blob (Wii) 8.0
Metroid: Other M (Wii) 7.0
My collection
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)
Super Metroid (SNES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Actraiser (SNES)
Wave Race: Blue Storm (Gamecube)
Wii Fit (Wii)
Wario World (Gamecube)
Illusion of Gaia (SNES)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
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's Profile