Never in our lifetimes did we expect Mario and friends to ever utter the sounds of our purring feline friends and yet here on November 22nd, we all will get that chance. Luckily from what many reports say, Super Mario 3D World is an incredible platforming experience that not only looks great in HD but it plays great with the gamepad.
This game is a first in another way as well, with it being the first 3D Mario title to feature simultaneous multiplayer. Now you and your family or friends can run and stomp and pounce together while fighting all sorts of enemies, new and old. Many power-ups make a return but plenty of new ones are featured as well.
There is no doubt about it; the music and graphics look great and this holiday season it's going to be a system-moving release.
Who out there is buying? How many spoilers have you allowed? (I accidentally saw some big ones just researching images for this thread!) What are you most excited for? Soon enough, share your thoughts and tips and tricks!
Please be conscientious to big spoilers once the game releases. Discuss the game openly but spoiler tag any unlockables or be sure to denote when you're talking about late-game content with perhaps a World 7-5 type bold note ahead of a level-based discussion.
Don't forget to update your Negative World catalog for this game! Do so right here!!
Forgot to mention here I'm taking the week off work when this game releases. Long story, and I didn't want to takes vacation just for a game, but I decided it was better than 3 years in a row with NO vacation.
So I'll be playing this game a lot when it releases.
Hype has sort of died down since I went on blackout but it shall emerge the days before release. Haven't been so hyped for a release in a long time.
The amount things change in a few months is crazy. When this was first revealed people hated it. Now...
Yeah, as a member of the "initially skeptical/disappointed," I've gotten pretty excited about this. I think part of it was just looking back at it after the E3 hype and such, another part was that Nintendo started showing more interesting-looking stages and concepts, and the third thing was a live jazz soundtrack by master Yokota.
That said, I'm still not "Christmastime Nintendo game" hyped for it yet, but I'll gladly pick it up in its first week (when I'm in the middle of a vacation, no less).
No unmarked spoilers in here, please! Some of us didn't watch all of the Nintendo Direct that showed off late-game stuff.
I'm hoping for more awesome throwback enemies, like Birdo or a Rogue's Gallery of Mario 2 bosses.That would be the cat's pajamas. T'would be quite lame if all the mini-bosses were that stupid bald offensive-lineman looking koopa.
I'm reading the Iwata Asks about it now (warning, there are a couple of spoilers in there that were shown in in yesterday's video). Very intriguing. The game was made by about 100 people total, a far cry from Assassin's Creed IV, which had almost ten times as many people at work on it.
Lookin' good! The review doesn't give any more away than Nintendo already mentioned, but if you steered clear of that stuff, you don't want to watch this!
So, has anyone heard of any deals for pre-ordering this game, or something like that?
The only thing I've seen so far is, next week (17-23) Toys 'R Us is having a buy 1 get 1 40% off sale on all Wii U and 3DS titles. If nothing else comes up, I'll probably use this deal to grab this game and Zelda.
@Zero Yeah, it is correct. And yeah, I was just as surprised as you that a Mario game is coming out on a Friday and not Sunday. Heck, so is a Zelda game. Heck heck, when was the last time a Mario and Zelda game came out on the exact same day? It's nuts!
This is what happens when you never buy NEW Andrew! They've been doing this for months AND we talked about it on the podcast a little bit some episodes back. Doooode!