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MonolithSoft's GameCube debut does what the best JRPGs do = it creates distinct, compelling characters, a fantastical world, and an unpredictable story driven by random encounters, weird bosses and a dazzling sound track.
It has enough formulaic elements to massage those pleasure centers you've built up from a lifetime of quirky roleplaying games, and enough new, special ingredients to stop them from ever wearing out their welcome. Battles are the familiar clash of weapons, items, armor, magic and special skills but delivered through a fast-paced unconventional Poker-like system of card icons. It's like nothing else, especially what you think of as card games! BK's battles offer an incredible variety of items and attacks, built around a grand system of increasingly hard to get combos.
Surprisingly memorable voice acting, so long as you set the audio to surround to disable an audio bug that causes a tinny sound. A classic RPG.
FUN FACT: Baten Kaitos is arabic for Burger King.
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