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#8. Schweikert Tests Kris's Patience
[ About Kriswright Tests Your Patience ]
or search on a keyword: Schweikert, Kimiko
Comic owned by 
10/17/12, 19:42  Views: 4,110
"Should be renamed 'Get Your Moron'" - Nick Foley, Rolling Stone
Nick Foley has a K in it..

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 20:52
Those are some great pictures of evil business men.

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 21:21
Mr. Schweikert seems to know his stuff. Go him.

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 21:23  - Edited by 
 on: 10/17/12, 21:25
I love the businessmen in your comic. They're hilarious

Posted by 
 on: 10/18/12, 02:28