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#7. Marva Breaks Out
[ About Kriswright Tests Your Patience ]
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Comic owned by 
10/17/12, 09:47  Views: 3,562
"At least this one was short." -Nick Foley, Rolling Stone
Why isn't Crystal Castles hilarious?!!?

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 10:17
@Zero Gee, I wonder why that could be.

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 10:21

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 13:40
Well, now we know why it's "Kris" instead of "Chris". Keep up the good work!

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 19:48
Klax was a big hit on the bus no our way to the EA event in SF. Anand, were you in on that? I think you were..

Posted by 
 on: 10/17/12, 20:47