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Is your favorite game from your youth or adulthood? [poll]
Youth (birth - 17) (19/24 votes) |
Adulthood (18+) (5/24 votes) |
Also, post the game! There are a few different ways to look at this, but what I'm interested in is whether your favorite game is something you first played in your youth, or something you first played as an adult. So for instance, if your favorite game is something that released when you were a youth but you didn't actually play it until you were an adult, you would pick adult not youth. Also for the sake of the poll if your favorite game is an updated version of a game you played long ago, choose the option for when you played the earlier version. For example if you played Ocarina of Time as a youth and it became your favorite game and then played Ocarina of Time 3D as an adult and think it is the definitive version, you should still vote youth. My theory is that, even though we still love new games, most of us have a favorite game from back in the days that just hasn't been surpassed (newer definitive versions aside) in our eyes. We'll see what the poll says. URL to share (right click and copy)
01/07/16, 00:22 Edited: 01/07/16, 00:33
For me, that question is basically Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, which I both played for the first time prior to elementary school but really sunk my teeth into around 2nd or 3rd grade, versus Spelunky, which I first played a couple years ago. Right now I'm leaning towards Zelda, but I know that on a different day I might pick Spelunky, so I abstain from voting. It's funny, being only 20, this poll ought to be pretty heavily biased towards my childhood, but I feel like games nowadays are so much better than they were a decade ago that I wouldn't be surprised if all of my favorite games get replaced within the next five years. There's a pretty great Aunoma quote about how it isn't good enough to surpass old games, you also have to surpass people's memories of those old games, and I think developers are finally getting to the point where they'll be able to do that. Zelda Wii U stands a real chance at beating out Ocarina of Time for me, and that's super exciting. |
@Secret_TunnelI thought Twilight Princess was pretty good as far as world exploration went. It was the only game after the N64 Zelda's to give me that feeling of wonder as I uncovered a new cave or area. Skyward Sword certainly didn't. But yes, that looks to be where the focus is, which is excellent (and explains the delays.) I'd hate to think we're getting this massively huge world with nothing in it. (I'm looking at you Great Ocean with tiny one-secret islands) New Forms said:
I guess my current #1 game is Farming Simulator 2013/15.
HOW ARE THESE THINGS POPULAR?! My parents did Farming Reality for the first portion of their lives. I used to get glimpses of that life visiting my cousins and grandparents at Christmas time. It's not fun! (Okay raiding the fruit trees and strawberry patches was fun. But the cow pats were not.) |
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