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Xenoblade Chronicles X Discussion (Nintendo Wii U) [game]
12/04/15, 03:09 Edited: 12/04/15, 03:12
@VofEscaflowneTurns out that if your quest requires you to hunt someone down, the description will let you know roughly when and where to find them, and it seems the yellow marker can lead you to them as well, so I guess that's alright, even if I liked the ability to find people at any time by checking the affinity chart. Oh well. After playing a few more hours, killing some tyrants, exploring new areas, doing some sidequests, dabbling in new classes, arts and equipments, and pushing the plot forward a tiny bit, I have to say the game is starting to feel amazing. Despite the world being so huge already the environments don't feel any less well crafted than those in Xenoblade, and Monolith seems to have put in an insane amount of time and effort in all the combat related stuff, and I haven't even got a Skell yet, so it's all very promising, IMO. The music is still utter shit at times  , but other than that things are coming together now, I think. Btw, am I the only that actually misses the fall damage from the first game? I feel it made exploration more tense and climbing around on top of giant structures more rewarding. I mean, I used lots of gems to reduce my fall damage, but I loved the risk/reward connected to climbing around. |
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