Hi everyone! It's been a long road for me with Tadpole Treble, a game that's been in some form of development for a pretty healthy chunk of my life, but I'm happy to say that we're almost finished. In case you missed it before, this is an auto-runner-style game that takes place on a musical staff, with the notes being your obstacles. Barring some sort of catastrophic event, the game should definitely release in Winter 2015 for all to enjoy.
And I hope you all enjoy it! My brother and I have put a ton of time (and a decent amount of our own money) into Tadpole Treble to make it the kind of game we'd want to play. That means music we like, characters we like, a range in challenge (standard difficulty to beat, high difficulty to 100%) and a wide range of unlockables and even a full song/stage creator. Here, a back-of-the-box feature list for you:
-Over a dozen main stages, each with their own unique song
-Boss stages
-A in-game market area
-Comic-style cutscenes
-Unlockable goodies like a Smash Bros-esque Bestiary, a Music Player, and Commentary Tracks for each stage
-Four fully-sung songs with lyrics
-Online leaderboards for both high and impressively low scores
-A song-creation mode that you can also play through, then share with others via QR Codes:The process for making this game has been extremely tricky. We had to time our Kickstarter right and stay on top of contacting people to help it reach its goal. We also repeatedly reached out to Nintendo to get approved for the Wii U, and once they finally approved us,
I screamed at them. The bug-testing process is totally arduous, being a constant cycle of "two steps forward, one step back," and there've been moments where my relationship with my brother had gotten pretty strained.
Despite all this, we're still kicking and are happy with how things have turned out! If you have any questions about the development of this game, or various included features, or about how Nintendo handles indie team relations, feel free to post them in this thread!
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