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Splatoon Discussion (Nintendo Wii U) [game]
Splatoon on the Wii U
9.14/10 from 33 user ratings

Welcome to the official discussion thread for Splatoon on the Wii U!

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Splatoon is Nintendo's unique twist on the shooter genre. Shoot ink on both your friends and environments to win the match! Players can turn into squids and 'swim' through their team's ink color. Players can also use their team's ink color to slow down enemy movement. It's ink or be inked in this chaotic marriage of third person shooters, de Blob, and good ole fashioned paintball.

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06/12/14, 22:15    Edited: 06/12/14, 22:19
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
Oh, I didn't know I needed to confirm. My butler, who reads Negative World to me while I bathe in rare Italian unguents, neglected to read that part.

He's fired and I'm in.
06/13/15, 02:26   

Ah, yeah, I wanted confirmations so that I could ensure nobody had a slot that didn't work. Awesome! This means everyone is good to go with the slot I made for them. Heck yeah! Three straight days of E3 Nintendo gaming discussion goodness. Now back to Splatoon.

P.S. Keep an eye out for that survey Tuesday night.
06/13/15, 02:28   
I wonder what this splatfest is all about
06/14/15, 05:28   
So is my router completely horrible tonight, or is it Nintendo's servers? Pretty annoying night, to be honest. Lots of glitching (paint not being filled in) and disconnects. Not sure what the problem is linked to.
06/14/15, 07:29   

Happened to me only once. Smooth sailing otherwise.
06/14/15, 07:40   
I've been having the issue over the past few days myself.
06/14/15, 07:52   
mrbiggsly said:
I wonder what this splatfest is all about

It's all about Team Cat!

But really, I think you just vote in a simple poll and then if the people who voted for the same thing perform better than the other side, you all win an item that lets you add an extra slot to an item. That's about what I remember from the Splatoon Direct awhile ago.
06/14/15, 11:59   
Some Splatfest Battle music. The Squid Sisters deliver catchier tunes than anyone on any contemporary top 10 list. I'm listening to this for the fourth time in a row now, and I can't stop smiling. Onto my iPod it goes.

06/14/15, 12:54   
Not a single post yesterday? Wow! I've been away from the game because of work/play/E3 but I am hoping to hop on briefly tonight to try out the new weapon coming out at 10PM!!!

I present to you...
Some Kind Of Sniper Weapon


Nice track! I like it too! Though what's with the three stages as options? Is that finally happening?
06/16/15, 13:21   
Edited: 06/16/15, 13:21
Yeah, I gotta get back in here. Not for the Sniping, but for the other stuff. I fear I may be behind again. Out of practice!
06/16/15, 13:23   
I heard there's 2 new weapons Tuesday?
06/16/15, 13:25   

I didn't hear about the second one but this one I saw this one via the Japanese twitter. I would gladly take another weapon.


I worry about getting rusty too. Between the e3 show and the podcasting, I will barely play till the weekend.
06/16/15, 14:34   
I thought I was alright at this game until I started playing in B ranked battles
06/17/15, 05:12   
I tried the new sniper weapon... enjoy it! but it sucks on Kelp Dome so I'll try it another day.


You had heard right. There were two new weapons tonight.
06/17/15, 05:31   
That new weapon that fires 3 shots... not sure if I'm a fan of it. The charger has great range though but takes a while to fully charge!
06/17/15, 05:34   
I haven't played in well over a week (just haven't been in the mood) and I'm terrified of going back. The bad men are going to hurt me.
06/17/15, 05:36   
I don't get the Jet Squelcher weapons. Or some of the other weapons in that case. Some barely paint anything and run out of paint super quick. I don't see the plus side to some of these.
06/17/15, 05:36   
I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but the L-3 Nozzlenose is actually pretty fun to use. The burst-fire design allows for some pinpoint accuracy that makes it feel like a combination of a rapid-fire weapon and a charger weapon.

Also, good games, Guillaume and Fabien. It was awesome when we had three charger users on the same team!


I've run into some really impressive players who use that type of weapon. From what I can tell, it has really good range.
06/17/15, 07:14   
Edited: 06/17/15, 07:18
I think the three stages are a splatfest thing, but maybe I'm wrong.
06/17/15, 11:50   

Ah, I was wondering if it was you!

So weird that the game doesn't show you at the very least people's Miis, so that you can confirm that, yes, it IS the Peter you know and not some other person.
06/17/15, 16:56   
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