Idiots. Sometimes I wonder what in the hell Capcom is thinking.
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on: 10/18/11, 18:49 |
Fail. The Wii could do it, why can't the 3DS? Though if this launches in NA, that could change. Remember it was pay-to-play online in Japan with no WiiSpeak.
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on: 10/18/11, 18:58 |
@ludist210Oh, this has nothing to do with the 3DS technically being able to do it; Resident Evil: Revelations (made by the same company) will have it, and Heroes of Ruin will have four player drop-in/drop-out co-op with voice chat. No, this is just Capcom being stupid, probably not wanting to put the effort into an online system for a portable since the previous portable systems never had it, and it has always been a local co-op focused game. They probably figure it's better for them to invest in a good online system for Monster Hunter 4 if they are going to be using their servers, and the service would be free in the west.
Posted by |
on: 10/18/11, 19:10 |
Edited: |
10/18/11, 19:11 |
Yeah, this is kind of balls. I wonder if tunneling will be big on the 3DS. Regardless, if Capcom adds enough single-player content, I'll get it. This would be a great game to kill a train ride with. A great game to kill the 3DS battery with. They really should prime the online pumps before Monster Hunter 4, though. Assuming it has online.
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on: 10/18/11, 19:14 |
Not surprised at this news for Japan, the (hypothetical) western release could still have online added (as per Capcom's TvC, We Love Golf). I think they need to add it if they want this series to grow outside of Japan. Tri did it pretty well, hope they do it again.
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on: 10/18/11, 19:54 |
That's just stupid.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:18 |
Wow. That's sort of like having a Mario game without being able to jump (okay, okay, not quite). Pretty stupid decision.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:19 |
Makes sense for Japan. Is this game getting released in the West? I thought it was Japan-only.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:20 |
@GameDadGrantIs online gaming not a big deal in Japan?
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on: 10/18/11, 20:22 |
Guess this won't be my first foray into the world of Monster Hunter after all.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:27 |
@stephen08Online gaming is not AT ALL a big deal in Japan. Especially for stuff like Monster Hunter. For them, Ad-Hoc multiplayer is where it's at. All the kids get together after school and play games with each other. Or... so I've been told. It's a totally different culture over there.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:28 |
@GameDadGrantHmm, maybe it will be. That would suck, though. And Capcom's gotta want to keep pushing the series in the West.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:30 |
@AnandI don't know if pushing this franchise in the West would be a good idea. If they could get that series as popular here as it is in Japan, then yeah - I see the incentive. But I don't know if that would work. Westerners (outside of a fairly vocal minority) don't care much for hunting monsters. (unless they're pocket monsters) It'd be like trying to make a huge push to make something like Bioshock or Madden NFL or Call of Duty popular in Japan. Not sure if that would ever happen.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:36 |
@GameDadGrantAs far as I know CoD still sells decently in Japan... Monster Hunter never will be a blockbuster franchise in the West, and it doesn't need to be. No non-Nintendo Japanese games will be. But Monster Hunter can still become "popular" among the hardcore crowd. Tri was a great game and has a nice following, the online community is still quite active. Capcom knows that West = online, so if MH3G is coming at all I won't rule out the possibility of online based on Japan's local multiplayer-centric gaming habits.
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on: 10/18/11, 20:58 |
I never expected this game to be released outside of Japan, anyway. As long as MH4 has it...
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on: 10/18/11, 21:05 |
@anon_mastermindWhy can't a non-Nintendo Japanese game be popular over here in the West? .... isn't Final Fantasy still popular over here?
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on: 10/18/11, 21:49 |
I'd say Resident Evil qualifies as a blockbuster in the West.
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on: 10/18/11, 22:14 |
Metal Gear Solid is pretty popular too.
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on: 10/18/11, 22:16 |
Well I'm talking about "new" franchises. Those ones were established over a decade ago. These days, even Nintendo has trouble making new franchises reach god-tier status in the West (bar the Wii ___ line). Now, I know Monster Hunter is not a brand new franchise for the west, but...it might as well be, the PS2 games sold horribly and Tri a bit better. The franchise needs online in the west to be relevant at all.
Posted by |
on: 10/18/11, 23:00 |
Lame. Wasn't going to buy it anyway, due to already owning it on the Wii.
Posted by |
on: 10/18/11, 23:23 |