Great for Europe, but NoA really needs to get on the ball. Like one review for Xenoblade Chronicles stated: games(TM) said:Beautiful, feature-packed and brimming with creative remedies for the ails of a stagnating genre, that NOA should overlook such a shining example of what a JRPG can be paints a very different company to the Nintendo that went out at E3 with a call to arms for the hardcore.
Posted by |
on: 08/17/11, 16:09 |
Screw you NoA. It's sad that a single region could bring down Nintendo's image as a whole but that's exactly what they're doing.
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on: 08/17/11, 16:17 |
@VofEscaflowneI'm surprised Mr. Iwata hasn't lit a fire under Reggie to get these games (all three) over here. It's shocking, really.
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on: 08/17/11, 16:21 |
@ludist210Probably because NCL has a lot more to do with this than people seem to think. I highly doubt this is simply NoA's decision.
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on: 08/17/11, 16:27 |
@OrbitalBeardYou really think it was Iwata's decision to release these games in every territory but NA, the biggest video game territory in the world? I think this is all about Reggie and his ego. If he doesn't think a game is going to sell millions, he turns his nose up at it.
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on: 08/17/11, 16:31 |
@WrathOfSamus777I don't think we'll ever know the full story, though I suspect it's not as simple as Reggie's hate for niche titles. I think Nintendo in general has an image of an America where gamers go crazy for games like Just Dance and Call of Duty and really have little interest in much else. NoA certainly has a lot to do with it, but I guarantee you NCL is part of the problem as well.
Posted by |
on: 08/17/11, 16:37 |
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08/17/11, 16:39 |
OrbitalBeard said:@WrathOfSamus777
I don't think we'll ever know the full story, though I do think it's not that cut and dry. I think Nintendo in general has an image of an America where gamers go crazy for games like Just Dance and really have little interest in much else. NoA certainly has a lot to do with it, but I guarantee you NCL is part of the problem as well. It baffles me that we aren't getting quality, core games like these, but we get things like Fortune Street (which very little of America knows about and even less will actually buy).
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on: 08/17/11, 16:39 |
@OrbitalBeardProbably cause Nintendo has essentially killed the market that would go crazy for other games like Xenoblade and The Last Story. What's the point of getting a Wii U now if they just pull off the same shit that they want to go for the hardcore gamers and release nothing but family oriented crap? Oh I can't wait to play checkers on my Wii U pad
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on: 08/17/11, 16:40 |
@ludist210Fortune Street AND Mario Party 9. Talk about being flooded with diverse, quality software.
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on: 08/17/11, 16:40 |
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08/17/11, 16:40 |
Maybe they think Fortune Street will pave the way for Dragon Quest X in America. Better than Xenoblade or The Last Story would. What morons. @OrbitalBeardFortune Street has nothing to do with Mario Party, for the record. It's more like Monopoly.
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on: 08/17/11, 16:44 |
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08/17/11, 16:45 |
@GuillaumeOh I know they're pretty different, but they're both still party titles based around a board game theme. With Mario characters. I think Nintendo should rename the Wii U "Mario" and just release Mario themed software, since that's about all they think will sell in North America.
Posted by |
on: 08/17/11, 16:46 |
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08/17/11, 16:47 |
Last Story is day one, I might also pick up Xenoblade on Friday. Maybe.
Posted by |
on: 08/17/11, 23:08 |
VofEscaflowne said:What's the point of getting a Wii U now Pikmin 3, Smash Brothers U, and the no-doubt-coming Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Donkey Kong, etc. that they'll make? Isn't that always the reason to get a (insert Nintendo console here)?
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on: 08/17/11, 23:13 |
@IDreamofHimeWhat is it about Xenoblade that makes you hesitate? I've always wondered if it was just Mistwalker's reputation and Sakaguchi's name that gave Last Story the edge in terms of popularity here. As far as I can remember Xenoblade has always received more praise and been considered the better one of the two titles.
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on: 08/17/11, 23:15 |
@-JKR-Well yes but I meant it more in a general term that Nintendo keeps promising to please hardcore gamers yet they go ahead and completely ignore a bunch of key games the Wii could and SHOULD have gotten not only this year, but previous years as well. What did they mean by going back to the hardcore gamers? If they just do a repeat of what they did on the Wii, then sure, we'll get the Mario and the Zelda and the Metroid but what about other games? What if the Wii U gets another game of the Xenoblade caliber? Will they ignore that too and not release it in this territory? It's just frustrating for those that would play it and it's complete bullcrap to think that they're not doing it because of a money issue.
Posted by |
on: 08/17/11, 23:29 |
VofEscaflowne said:@-JKR-
Well yes but I meant it more in a general term that Nintendo keeps promising to please hardcore gamers yet they go ahead and completely ignore a bunch of key games the Wii could and SHOULD have gotten not only this year, but previous years as well. What did they mean by going back to the hardcore gamers? If they just do a repeat of what they did on the Wii, then sure, we'll get the Mario and the Zelda and the Metroid but what about other games? What if the Wii U gets another game of the Xenoblade caliber? Will they ignore that too and not release it in this territory? It's just frustrating for those that would play it and it's complete bullcrap to think that they're not doing it because of a money issue. Well I guess I'd answer your questions with the same questions. If they just do a repeat of what they did on the Wii, then sure, we'll get the Mario and the Zelda and the Metroid but what about other games? What if the Wii U gets another game of the Xenoblade caliber? Will they ignore that too and not release it in this territory? I mean, I can't answer that for anyone but me, but my answers would be 1) I don't buy Nintendo consoles for other games so much, minus clever new stuff like Elebits and Boom Blox and I see no sign we won't get those, 2) Then I guess that's great for anyone who buys it 3) Probably, I never got Giftpia or Doshin the Giant (or Captain Rainbow) but I'm not going to not play and love Mario Galaxy or Donkey Kong Country Returns just to protest never having those Japan-only titles. Those are my answers, but I guess you have to answer it for yourself. Frustrating, sure, but what good does it do us to worry about the what ifs of the Wii U? Will it make us enjoy Zelda U any more? Any less? Not for me. I'm not going to worry about a game not coming to the US sometime in the future, I'm going to enjoy playing what I've got right now. Heck, tomorrow I might get run over by a bus, and then I'll have wasted today worrying.
Posted by |
on: 08/18/11, 01:07 |
I totally don't care about these games anymore.
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on: 08/18/11, 02:31 |
Awesome :D
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on: 08/18/11, 19:36 |
NOA can suck it.
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on: 08/18/11, 23:18 |
I'm going to make a point to buy all three of them.
Posted by |
on: 08/19/11, 04:41 |
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08/19/11, 04:42 |