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Our Top Games
Our top 10 3DS eShop games
#1. SteamWorld Heist
On: 3DS Ratings: 8  Added: 09/17/14, 02:56 by 
#2. Cave Story
On: 3DS Ratings: 8  Added: 10/05/12, 16:46 by 
#3. Picross e
On: 3DS Ratings: 6  Added: 01/03/12, 05:16 by 
On: 3DS Ratings: 18  Added: 12/23/11, 19:09 by 
#5. Pushmo
On: 3DS Ratings: 30  Added: 12/04/11, 00:46 by 
#6. Crashmo
On: 3DS Ratings: 7  Added: 10/04/12, 22:22 by 
#7. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
On: 3DS Ratings: 9  Added: 10/10/12, 18:53 by 
#8. Rhythm Heaven: Megamix
On: 3DS Ratings: 8  Added: 06/16/16, 03:08 by 
#9. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
On: 3DS Ratings: 6  Added: 09/09/16, 05:27 by 
#10. SteamWorld Dig
On: 3DS Ratings: 15  Added: 08/08/13, 22:40 by 
Our Top Games