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From the back of the box.
It might just be the purrrfect action game.
It's definitely not. As CATWOMAN, the best cat-burglar in the world, you'll move through tight spots and encounter challenging environments.
More like challenging controls. Feline strength?
No. Furtive movements?
Not really. She'll have to rely on all her cat-like qualities to stay out of harm's way. An agile leap here
would be a nice feature, a lightning-fast flip there
seems barely usable. She has all the right moves
if you can get them to work and this game has enough excitement to last a lifetime...make that NINE lifetimes!
Umm... no. Features characters from the popular comic series from DC Comics
Actually true. Password stage access
!!! A whole new kind of action game
What does this even mean?Out of 1 user(s) who marked the game in their log:
100% (1) have given up upon it |