Terror from the Deep was released in 1995, as a very hastily-made sequel to cash in on the unexpected success of the first X-COM title. It was designed by a different development team from the original, and given that they were given such a short amount of time to make a new game, they didn't have the resources to make any significant changes to the gameplay. This game does have an underwater/Lovecraftian theme to it, which differentiates itself from the UFO theme of the first title aesthetically, yet the gameplay itself is largely the same, with the only significant new addition being the implementation of melee weaponry. While new level layouts and the like are featured, the general progression through the game is the same as in UFO Defense. In many regards, this could be considered a standalone expansion to the first game.
Aside from that, this game is notorious both for its extreme level of difficulty, as well as its bugginess. While the first X-COM was also incredibly difficult and featured some bugs (most notably a difficulty bug in the original DOS version that reverts all saved games to the Beginner difficulty regardless of which difficulty is selected upon starting a new game), this game is very much intended for people who have mastered the first X-COM and wish for a greater challenge. Unfortunately Terror from the Deep has some game-breaking glitches which involve the research tree, so it is recommended that one play this with a FAQ so that they don't end up prematurely dooming their game progression.
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