Developed and published by Konami in 1994. Published in Europe and Australia under the name "Probotector" with various changes to the playable characters/story, like many other PAL entries in the Contra series. This was the first console entry in the Contra series to not be developed for a Nintendo platform. This signified the series' temporary departure from Nintendo platforms, which continued with later releases over the next decade plus, up until Contra 4's release on the Nintendo DS in 2007.
Notable for featuring four separate playable characters with different weapons each, as well as multiple level paths which encourage replayability. This is also the first Contra game to feature a plot that is delivered through character dialogue as one progresses through the game. The story details change slightly depending on which choices the player makes throughout the game, which contribute to replay value. Hard Corps also established a clear deviation from previous Contra releases with regard to level design, having more focus on boss battles throughout each stage rather than the run-and-gun action against smaller enemies that were featured prominently in the arcade and NES titles.
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