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This is a 2012 3DS Harvest Moon game which takes the traditional Harvest Moon gameplay and shakes it up. This time around you don't purchase upgrades to your home, nor are you locked into how Echo Village is designed. In this title, if you want to buy a new table, you simply buy the instructions and use the materials; Kinda like IKEA if you already had the materials. You can also purchase buildings in town and choose where they go, allowing you to prioritize your desires. The game is even customizable for your character, allowing you to change your hair/clothes/etc Animal Crossing-style.
Other more subtle changes include a Yak which can be used for milk and a Fish Trap which you can use to catch fish while you're off courting the love of your life. The 3DS' 3D effect is used delightfully in this game, really making the world pop with wonderful depth.
The Japanese version of the game released in February of 2012 and currently the American release date is October 23rd 2012.
A New Beginning: harvestmoon.wikia's E3 2012 Game ImpressionsThe Pre-Order Bonus at Gamestop (and possibly other places)
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