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#11. The Post-Marva Panic
[ About Kriswright Tests Your Patience ]
or search on a keyword: Freddie, Clapper, Kimiko, Heidi, 2 Wise-Cracking Slackers
Comic owned by 
10/20/12, 08:01  Views: 3,665
"..." -Nick Foley, Rolling Stone
Man, finally a webcomic that is relevant to my modern gamer needs!

BTW I literally lol'ed at the last panel.

Posted by 
 on: 10/20/12, 08:46  - Edited by 
 on: 10/20/12, 08:46
Hahaha- I mean,

............................................................................ mmphmph

Posted by 
 on: 10/20/12, 11:03
Nobody got circle squared in this one. Now, the Quest to Find 12.1..

Posted by 
 on: 10/21/12, 02:16