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Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Nintendo NES) discussion [game]
8.36/10 from 43 user ratings |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on the NES!
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If you ask me, The Legend of Zelda is a stone-cold classic, and fully deserves its own playthrough thread. But the second-largest game in the ambassador giveaway also has its own share of fans. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, despite being the black sheep of the series, has gotten pretty popular over the past few years and its gameplay has generally held up pretty well. The title is notorious for its difficulty, but personally, I feel that the game is rather fair until the very final areas. While you lose your "unspent" EXP with a game over (and are returned to the starting location), you keep your levels, items, spells, and progress otherwise. And even then, you could always grind a bit to face Zelda II's challenges with greater ease. So join us, won't you? I'd suggest finishing Zelda 1 first if you've started that, or you can do what I'm doing and run through both games more or less simultaneously--they're different enough that you shouldn't get Zelda fatigue. The appeal of Zelda II is in its challenging combat mixed with rewarding exploration, and it's not nearly as obtuse as some people feel the first title is. Instead, the additional challenge is placed on battling the enemies and surviving long enough to finish each dungeon. A few hints before you go: -To start, you'll notice all the caves are rather dark (until you get a special item). You don't have to go through any before you get that item except one in the northeast, above the town of Rauru. But be sure to stop by the town before you head through there, though.
-Make sure you spend your EXP on level-ups when you're getting close to a game over. It stinks losing your last life and subsequently your "loose" EXP. Level-ups, on the other hand, are permanent.
-"LIFE" level-ups increase your defense (not really your life). "MAGIC" level-ups decrease the amount of magic you spend per spell ("16" is one "block" of magic). "SWORD" level-ups increase your attack, and are probably the most valuable.
-Beating a dungeon and putting the crystal in the statue makes your EXP shoot up to the next level, regardless of where it currently is. With clever timing and strategy, you can get a ton of free EXP this way. If you want to wait, you can always jump over the statue area and come back when you want a bigger EXP boost (like if you're getting the last couple levels).
-You can choose to "cancel" level-ups if you're holding out for a different stat, so they don't have to be linear. For instance, if you get 50 EXP and want to save it for the FIGHT level-up at 200 EXP, just hit select to cancel out of the level-up window and bank the excess EXP.
-Some "tiles" on the world map lead to secret areas. Walk all over, especially on tiles that stick out or look suspicious.Good luck, adventurers, and remember... IF ALL ELSE FAILS, USE FIRE.Good advice for life. URL to share (right click and copy)
09/06/11, 20:25 Edited: 09/06/11, 22:33
Some pieces of advice:
Make absolutely sure you get the item from a palace before you put the crystal in the statue at the end. Once you put the crystal in and leave, the palace turns to stone and you can't go back in, so you might end up unable to progress. I'd suggest that TriforceBun edit this into the OP because I'd hate for anyone to accidentally do that. Even though I've played this game dozens of times, I just did this for the first time in the fifth dungeon, so I can't pass the River Devil in the overworld. In short, my playthrough is fucked. Don't let this happen to you.
If you get to a tile that automatically sends you into a battle area, you can skip it by encountering an enemy as you step onto it. This is helpful when they're especially difficult and you can't avoid them (in particular, there are several of these on the way to the last palace). You'll still have to battle obviously, but usually a regular battle is easier than the ones you're automatically sent into.
If you're unsure of where to go, talk to villagers. They'll give you hints that are often much more helpful than the obtuse BS in Zelda 1. Believe it or not, even the infamous Error gives you advice (provided you find the guy who tells you to talk to Error).
EDIT: Dammit Bun, you've made me want to start replaying Zelda II even though I just replayed 2/3s of the game this weekend. I guess I know what I'm doing tonight...
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