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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
09/29/18, 01:29 Edited: 09/29/18, 01:30
Reposting my thoughts on the demo since the demo is basically just the start of the game...
Finished the demo.
First off, it's a pretty meaty demo! It has 3 story missions (including the story bits in between them), 2 skirmishes (basically just "destroy all enemies" type things on maps you have already played, used to get XP and such) and 1 demo exclusive (for some reason) bonus mission, not to mention some of the in-between mission stuff where you can buy / upgrade weapons, train troops, etc. All in all it took about 3 hours for me?
I'd say it has definitely left me excited for the full game. Yeah it would have been interesting to see more new units in the game but they did a lot with just the first few missions to mix things up and keep it interesting, so I'm eagerly anticipating more. Feels like a proper sequel to the original game, which is basically one of my favorite games ever.
With that said I always felt like the enemy AI in the original game was not quite as good as it could have been and I was hoping they fixed it, but it feels pretty similar. At times the enemies will just run straight into a situation where they are clearly going to get destroyed before they can do anything, and they often have you in a bind and would easily be able to kill one of your troops but they just... don't press it for some reason.
Still, overall the AI is serviceable, and it's a pretty sweet demo. Try it out!
Oh and progress from the demo carries over, which is good, because I wouldn't want to have to play the first 3 hours of the game again. |
Did you get to play this any more? I'm up to chapter 14 (just beat the level involving the blue roses). And the difficulty has definitely picked up. It still hasn't touched the peak of the first game's challenge, but it is certainly rewarding. I like how much more focused this game feels. Throughout the whole thing you're following a band of soldiers with a set mission. Rather than a game like Fire Emblem or the first Valkyria (if memory serves), you're not bouncing around from one objective to the next with a larger goal of winning the war. From very early your goal is clear: take the capital. And the levels consist of their milestones, setbacks, diversions, roadblocks, and backup plans. It's great to have a more focused narrative that still finds room for plenty of variety between levels.
I wish we got to see the map more often so we could get a better sense of progress as they head for the enemy capital. It would really drive home the squad's successes and failures. Also, I wish there was more mechanical emphasis on the team's hardships. They're making a desperate run straight for the enemy capital, with the odds of success ever decreasing as resources dwindle. I wish there was some way I could feel that as the player. Without changing much, a few story-related deaths would go a ways toward driving that feeling home (but that is a pretty iffy idea for a permadeath strategy game). Ideally, there would maybe be some sort of resource system? I don't know how that would work, but given the emphasis on this being a barely sustained suicide mission, that seems necessary to drive the point home. |
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