-- The Chemical Plant boss is a crazy unexpected surprise!
Or would have been if I hadn't read about it in reviews...-- I agree with
@chrisbg99, the new special stage is a blast. It's also pretty dang tough.
-- We spent almost as much time playing Blue Spheres as we did Sonic Mania. Neat how the medals you get from it unlock new (old) abilities for Sonic.
-- The game's actually pretty glitchy, at least in 2-player. In the very first stage we got stuck by a camera glitch and had to restart. There's also a lot of times where Tails got caught between level geometry, or stuck in a special state (like hanging sideways) and couldn't move.
-- The game's not easy! I feel like there's more tricky platforming in this game than the Genesis games, though hardly any bottomless pits or mashers yet, so that's good. On the other hand there are more than a few sections where you can just hold right (or down) and whiz through a good chunk of the level.
Classic Sonic gameplay. Neat level and boss gimmicks. FILTHY with fanservice and references to obscure Sonic games and other Sega properties. Yep, I love this game and am going to put a ton of time into it when the PC version comes out.