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The Legend of Zelda Discussion (Nintendo NES) [game]
9.16/10 from 81 user ratings |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for The Legend of Zelda on the NES!
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| Reviews: |
Replaying this game right now—last time I played it was a year ago—and every time I come back to it I'm blown away by how good it is. It’s almost better every time I play it. It's been said a million times what a great world this game has, but I really don't think the game gets enough credit for how fun and interesting and challenging its combat is, despite being so simple. And then because its moment-to-moment gameplay is so fun and challenging, all of the mysteries throughout the world have huge gameplay-changing consequences. As much as I love Ocarina of Time, finding your fourth bottle in that game isn't that big of a deal—but uncovering a secret in NES Zelda can really change how you play the game. And the way you uncover those secrets isn't nearly as obtuse as people who “traded secrets on the playground with their friends” back in the 80s like to claim. Sure, there are a couple heart containers that you'd probably never find without the cheats section of Nintendo Power, but for the most part the locations of every single dungeon entrance and major upgrade are hinted at. It's crazy how thirty years later this is still one of the most elegantly-designed, well-thought-out games out there in terms of every single element—whether it’s an item or an enemy or a piece of the environment—having multiple implications all the while being really fun to play. Hopefully the upcoming Wii U Zelda can capture that too! URL to share (right click and copy)
01/07/15, 01:33 Edited: 01/07/15, 01:35
This has always been one of my fave NES games and I still like it today. It took a long time to finally figure this out, it was fun to discover the secrets of the world and it took years to finally beat it. And then when I went to start a new game, I had one of my biggest gaming surprises when I discovered the dungeons were different! Yes, I know the line after the credits says something about a second quest, but I either didn't read it, or didn't expect the actual levels to change, since the "second quest" in SMB1 just changes enemies and not levels. I discovered just about everything in both quests on my own, except for two heart containers in the second quest. I never did figure out those two. I ended up looking them up a couple years back, and they're two where you have to use the recorder to reveal them. That's pretty random.
If I never played this when I was younger then I get the feeling I wouldn't like it today. The mechanics have just progressed so much since then that it would be hard to adjust to them if I didn't already know the game. That said, it's interesting how the design of the games has also changed a lot since this first game, such as being more linear and the enemies aren't as tough. But I've still really enjoyed the later Zelda games so I can't say that I would want them to be different, but at the same time I wouldn't mind seeing a new Zelda game take some cues from this one.
Some things I like in this game that I'd like to see in a new one: -Even if they can't be completed, I like how nearly every dungeon is accessible from the start. I don't think they all need to be accessible, but it's nice if more than one is accessible at a time. LttP sort of allowed this in the Dark World part. -Money actually matters and isn't too easy to get. There are good items to buy with money. -Different shops have different prices on items, this feels more like a real economy instead of every shop charging the same price. -A second, more difficult quest, though I understand the difficulty in doing this in a modern game since they don't really use "tilesets." |
Recently finished this for the first time ever. (Grew up a Sega kid. Sue me!) As everybody has mentioned, what a hell of a game! I spent overall about 15 hours playing, and enjoyed it a ton. Now, I did put it down for a while after butting my head against the 6th dungeon before I was quite ready enough, but I came back and shifted priorities.
While I did manage most of the game without help, I did break on a few parts I found myself stuck on (grumble grumble). I suppose I might have eventually stumbled on some of the solutions eventually, but I lacked the patience to try. Oh well. I will say this, though. I think this game is considerably more obtuse than Metroid. That game's main fault is its lack of a map, but it's not really all that difficult to keep track of that yourself, and it controls as brilliantly as this game does.
No intention of trying the second quest yet, but I'm sure I'll get to it. For now, I'm several hours in to Zelda II. So far, so good. |
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