Welcome to the official discussion thread for Woah Dave! on the 3DS!
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Anyone been playing this? I got the Steam version and have been liking it a lot. It's very much a pick-up-and-play game, so it would be perfect on 3DS.
Don't go in expecting a ton of modes--there's only one mode and then a harder version of it. Might not sound like much, but what's there is really, really fun. It's kind of like a crazy-fast version of Mario Bros.. Think of it like you're paying five bucks upfront to play the best arcade game ever for as long as you want as opposed to putting in a quarter each time. I was trying to think of a way to describe the hard mode in the game and the word "bonkers" kept coming to mind, which is appropriate since that mode is called "Bonkers Mode."
But yeah, check it out if you like Super Crate Box (which it doesn't play anything like at all, despite having a similar level layout) or the original Mario Bros..
@anon_mastermind Yeah, I remember hearing about their name change and thought it was odd. "Choice Provisions" sounds like a brand of bargain food that tries to sound more fancy than it is.
@anon_mastermind Well they are only publishing it they didn't develop it.
And they changed their name because "Gaijin" is kind of a slur in Japan. They made some big post about not feeling comfortable with that name anymore. Can't say I particularly like their new name but ah well.
The game was made by Jason Cirillo, who works in-house (I believe) with the rest of the team, he just makes all his own projects under the "Minivisions" label which is a part of Choice Provisions.
Clicked on this thread expecting to talk about the game and the great price the current sale is giving it away for. Instead, got a pic of a gay djinn/genie.
Yeah, I couldn't quite figure out what it means when...that screen comes up. Though, I assume something's just not quite right with "Dave." Even on the main menu when you select your difficulty, if you click on 'Normal' it has in parenthesis "if you can call it that."
Not sure if that's in reference to the game, or to the character. (both?)