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Kriswright Tests Your Patience - #3. Un Shape Andalou
October 15, 2012, 17:35

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"Buncha shapes talking to each other. Who cares?" - Nick Foley, Rolling Stone

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10/15/12, 17:35   Edited:  10/15/12, 17:41
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
Avant-garde? More like "Avant-garde a clue." Amirite?

Good stuff Kris. Who'd have thought three shapes could be so amusing?

Posted by 
 on: 10/15/12, 17:57
When is Kris the Kross (X) shape getting here?

This IS supposed to be a Playstation comic is it not?

Posted by 
 on: 10/15/12, 22:17   Edited:  10/15/12, 22:18
LOLOLOLOLOL loving this!

So called the square's name getting revealed!

My only complaint is I wish one of them was a guy! Steve or something lol.

But I LOVE the Carlotta name. Totally made me laugh.

Posted by 
 on: 10/15/12, 22:20
It looks they're in a petri dish!

Posted by 
 on: 10/16/12, 00:37
I would never confuse these shapes with any possible imitators

Posted by 
 on: 10/16/12, 04:03
I'm intrigued by what's in the background(!).

Posted by 
 on: 10/16/12, 19:41
Haha. :^)

Posted by 
 on: 10/16/12, 23:45
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