I need RE4 to have some sort of gyro aiming and I will buy it. Otherwise, I'd rather play the Wii version at a lower resolution. I love those pointer controls, right or wrong.
Posted by |
on: 02/26/19, 10:32 |
Fuck took them so long? End of May? I'll be an old man by then. And they better not be releasing the REmake with the dogshit sped up Lab music.
Posted by |
on: 02/26/19, 12:24 |
Two masterpieces (and RE0). Definitely will be getting this.
Posted by |
on: 02/26/19, 13:54 |
@HinphI certainly hope so. RE0 and REmake are sharing a physical release, but REmake is only a download code. Bleck. I'd honestly probably buy a RE Collection cart that included all three games on it, but as is, I'm probably just going to pick up RE4. RE4 is amazing!
Posted by |
on: 02/26/19, 17:17 |
I'll repurchase all of these, likely. Simply having Resident Evil 4 portable is reason enough for me.
Posted by |
on: 02/26/19, 18:23 |
For those that don't know, the REmaker remaster butchered a few tracks by speeding them up for some reason, and it sounds like shit. I dunno if I can support such a move.
Posted by |
on: 02/27/19, 00:00 |
@carlosroxEw, why did they do that? Hopefully not any of the main mansion themes (which are some of my fave BGMs in the series).
Posted by |
on: 02/27/19, 02:13 |
Also in for RE4 with Gyro.
Posted by |
on: 02/27/19, 04:25 |
@TheBigG753I have no idea. Doesn't seem to be any explanation and very few people ever bring it up, disturbingly enough. I'm pretty sure it speeds up both Lab tracks and maybe a few others. What a stupid thing to do.
Posted by |
on: 02/27/19, 04:36 |
I can’t wait for this! I’m not much into RE0 but the other two are some of my favorite games.
Posted by |
on: 02/27/19, 07:38 |
This reminds me, I still haven't played 4...
Posted by |
on: 02/27/19, 23:46 |
I probably owe 0 another playthrough. It’s been a long time, and IIRC, it actually even has some cool tie-ins with Resident Evil 2.
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 03:59 |
I own all of these games on GCN and PS4, I think I'm good. EDIT: then again RE4 on the go..... man
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 05:00 |
Edited: |
02/28/19, 05:00 |
Do we have confirmed prices for these yet?
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 18:04 |
I have no money for these, but I would probably buy the 1st and 4th again because they are wonderful experiences. Especially RE4. For me playing RE1 would be less about fun and more about nostalgia... Anyway, maybe one day! @Mop it upI don't have words. Go play one of the greatest games ever crafted!!
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 18:40 |
@TriforceBun$30 each is what I'm seeing so far..
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 19:58 |
I was hearing $40 elsewhere. Any confirmation?!
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 23:08 |
@carlosroxGeeeez. At that cost, I'm gonna have to pass on nabbing REmake again. RE4 is one of my favorites, so I'll buy it at a hiiiiigh price, but I really wish Capcom would make more physical copies if they're gonna charge that much. Heck, Mega Man 11 was brand new, and physical, and only cost 30 dollars! @ZeroGeeeeeeeeeeeez! I certainly hope not, that'd just be ridiculous. In Japan they cost the equivalent to $25 or so so I wouldn't expect that.
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 23:18 |
Edited: |
02/28/19, 23:19 |
Just some randos online talking about it, maybe they were wrong. Resetera is claiming they are up for presale on the eShop at $30 eachAnyone able to confirm? I really should just hook up my Gamecube, getting a hankering to play a bunch of those games again.
Posted by |
on: 02/28/19, 23:28 |
Edited: |
03/01/19, 00:11 |
@ZeroYup, I can confirm. I saw those prices earlier today. $30 each.
Posted by |
on: 03/01/19, 02:27 |