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March 9, 2017 – Blaster Master, six Neo Geo games, Voez, Bomberman 64, and more! See all of this week's updates after the jump or check them out on your favorite eShop today at noon eastern. Nintendo of America said:This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch
Snipperclips – Cut it out, together! –Free Demo Version – Laugh-out-loud couch co-op, now with a free demo! In this action-puzzle game, paper pals Snip and Clip must cut each other up to overcome tricky obstacles… or just to laugh their heads off (sometimes literally). Partner up with friends or family to cut the heroes into the right shapes, interact with objects and solve a world of imaginative puzzles. Visit Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo Switch console to download a free demo of this game today! (Additional accessories may be required for multiplayer mode; sold separately.)
Blaster Master Zero – Blaster Master Zero is an 8-bit-style action-adventure game that hearkens back to the golden age of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Using the original 1988 NES game Blaster Master from Sunsoft as a base, the new game introduces new areas and bosses, new gameplay elements such as extra sub-weapons, improved gameplay, a more robust scenario and expanded exploration mechanics.
Virtual Console on Wii U
Bomberman 64 – In the Adventure mode of this Nintendo 64 action game, guide Bomberman through 24 areas of perilous conflict. Battle sinister allies, destroy their bases and put an end to the insane attack. Play the multiplayer Battle mode for an endless supply of explosive action! (Additional accessories required for multiplayer mode; sold separately.)
Nintendo eShop sales:
Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS
Great deals this week include Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (Nintendo 3DS), Etrian Mystery Dungeon (Nintendo 3DS) and Turtle Tale (Nintendo 3DS and Wii U), plus several more! Check out the full list of deals on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U available this week at http://www.nintendo.com/games/sales-and-deals.
Celebrate MAR10 Day with My Nintendo – To commemorate National Mario Day (or MAR10 Day), a selection of new Mario-related rewards will be added to My Nintendo on March 10. Check it out at https://my.nintendo.com/.
30 percent off the Mario Kart 8 game
Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2 featuring Animal Crossing characters
Two Mario-themed wallpapers for PC or smart device
Also new this week:
ACA NEOGEO NAM-1975 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
ACA NEOGEO THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’98 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
ACA NEOGEO WAKU WAKU 7 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
ACA NEOGEO METAL SLUG 3 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
ACA NEOGEO WORLD HEROES PERFECT (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
ACA NEOGEO SHOCK TROOPERS (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
VOEZ (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Pink Dot Blue Dot (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Blaster Master Zero (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Mini Sports Collection (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Candy Hoarder (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Blue-Collar Astronaut (Nintendo eShop on Wii U) – Available March 14 URL to share (right click and copy) |
03/09/17, 16:21 |
Blaster Master Zero looks real good, but I've got too much else on my plate right now and in the foreseeable future. I'll probably pick it up the first time it goes on sale.
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on: 03/09/17, 16:24 |
Hmm, I was hoping for more multiplayer stuff before my party this weekend but that seemed unlikely. Unless we count Bomberman 64 but that wasn't really one of my favorites and we'll be playing new Bomberman anyway. Blaster Master Zero sounds good though. Only found two reviews so far but they're both positive.
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on: 03/09/17, 16:26 |
Wait...Neo Geo games....are on Switch? But not technically Virtual Console? Or...?
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on: 03/09/17, 16:28 |
nate38 said:Blaster Master Zero looks real good, but I've got too much else on my plate right now and in the foreseeable future. I'll probably pick it up the first time it goes on sale. Agreed. And damn, I have really wanted to go back into Bomber man 64, but it'd be way better to have on Switch. I'll try to remember this release when Zelda is finally completed.
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on: 03/09/17, 16:47 |
@GameDadGrantThey're not VC, the same way they're on PS4 I think.
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on: 03/09/17, 17:03 |
I'm so excited about this weeks update. I've been waiting to see what they release and, not only am I not disappointed, I'm also pleasantly surprised by those Neo-Geo games. I wonder how much they cost. Also, those fighting games are going to be a good test for how the left joy-con arrows work for fighting games. They work perfectly enough for 2D games. That's how I'm playing Shovel Knight.
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on: 03/09/17, 17:29 |
One week in and I want to build a Switch backlog... it's not looking good for me
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on: 03/09/17, 18:02 |
Oh wait I just noticed Bomberman 64 isn't even for Switch. Ah well.
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on: 03/09/17, 18:31 |
@VofEscaflowneOh okay. Well, that's neat. The King of Fighters '98 will be mine! And probably Metal Slug 3 as well. Because why not. Blaster Master Zero will be a 3DS download for me.
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on: 03/09/17, 18:31 |
Metal Slug 3 is already on the Metal Slug collection on Wii..right?
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on: 03/10/17, 01:16 |
@Mr_Mustache Yeah, but why would you play the Wii version of that compilation when it doesn't have classic controller support.
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on: 03/10/17, 01:57 |
@pokepal148That is the single most disappointing thing about that collection. The Wiimote on its side works "okay" but the 'waggle to throw a grenade' thing is obnoxious. I opted for the Virtual Console versions instead. Way more expensive but oh well.
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on: 03/10/17, 23:39 |
@GameDadGrant Yes to be honest the grenade thing was always inconsistent for me and kind of killed that collection for me. A shame.
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on: 03/11/17, 18:23 |
@pokepal148Because I'm not going to pay extra when simply turning a remote sideways works perfectly fine.. @GameDadGrant@ZeroYou guys are spoiled weirdos. THE WHOLE LOT OF YA.
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on: 03/12/17, 00:39 |
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