In stage 2-2 now; I had my first death in 2-1, when I jumped over a bottomless pit to the ladder slightly too soon, and just missed catching onto it.
EDIT: Had to use my first continue in stage 4-3. I'm a little out of practice, as I've not really played the game since beating it in 2008, but I'm doing pretty well so far
EDIT2: The furthest I ever got in this game without dying, by the way, was to Act 5-2. I'm definitely not doing that well right now, but I'll be fine since there are infinite continues
EDIT3: Continued again in 5-1; I used all three lives here! Damn, I'm really out of shape
EDIT: Continued again in 5-3.
EDIT: I'm at Act 6-1 now. Here's where the really tough part begins.
EDIT6: Used a continue in 6-2.
EDIT7: Used another continue in 6-2.
EDIT8: Guess where I used another continue?
EDIT9: Ditto.
EDIT10: I finally remembered how to get past that one asshole jump in particular. I'm in 6-3 now, where I used a continue.
EDIT11: Used another continue in 6-3.
EDIT12: Beat the first of the three bosses in one go. I died to
Jaquio though, and now I'm gonna try and go through 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 again.
EDIT13: Used my tenth continue in 6-3.
EDIT14: Another continue in 6-3.
EDIT15: 12th continue in 6-3.
EDIT16: Beat
Jaquio, but died to the final boss. I'm ready to kick his ass though. I just need to go through 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 again.
EDIT17: 13th continue in 6-2.
EDIT18: Ugh, I made it to the final boss with only 4 health, so I died in two hits

I have to go through 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 again.
EDIT19: 14th continue in 6-2.
EDIT20: He had one fucking hit point and I died! Time to run the gauntlet, once more.
EDIT21: 15th continue in 6-2.
EDIt23: 16th continue in 6-2.
EDIT24: 17th continue in 6-2.
TECMONo, it is I who should thank you Tecmo.