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What are your all-time favorite game beginnings, and why? [roundtable]
I'll let you decide how exactly you define "beginning", to me it could be the first 5 minutes or the first 2 hours, but whatever it is, you remember it as being a stand-out segment that really gets a game off to an amazing start. Anyway, someone on Reddit gave me a free copy of Resident Evil 5 for the Switch yesterday and that reminded me how amazing the intro to Resident Evil 4 was while the intro to 5 felt like a bit of a letdown. I played the first few hours of 5 this morning and honestly, the intro of 5 isn't as bad as I remember it (I thought I remembered a lot more walking), but it sure ain't 4! 4 was something else. You get a small introduction to the controls in the first house, a few more enemies on the way to the village, and then BAM, that village sequence. Who would throw something like that at the player like 5 or 10 minutes into the game? But they did it! Just all out action, having to learn new things on the fly (using ladders, leaping off houses, etc.) and just when you think you can't handle any more, you hear a chainsaw start up and are like fuuuuuuuuuu. I love too how nothing directly forces you into the house that spawns the cutscene, but you're (subtly?) funneled to it and most players will probably end up in that house panicking about what to do pretty early on. No hand-holding, you aren't even given a clear goal at that point, you're just fighting to survive. Just amazing! Another one that comes to mind for me is Lufia & the Fortress of Doom. It starts by putting you in the past, in control of the legendary heroes who defeated evil many years ago. And defeat evil you do. But at a cost. For me this was one of the first RPGs I ever played, I never really experienced this depth of emotion in a game before. Going straight to a huge confrontation, and then the aftermath. Maxim and Selan, talking about wanting to see their child again... OOF. And the music in that area, it's so good! I honestly used to just play that intro part over and over. Probably played it like ten times. I'll add more later when my memory gets sparked. But now it's YOUR turn... what are your favorite beginnings to a game, and why? URL to share (right click and copy)
01/12/22, 22:53 Edited: 01/12/22, 22:56
@ZeroWas Metroid Prime at the one (two?) we went to? I remember the Wii U one. We Sing, haha. And we also hit the Vita and 3DS previews, I think. Sound Shapes! The beginning of Prime was cool, for sure. A little tutorial-y, though. I was actually just talking with someone about best album beginnings last week. I nominated Rubber Soul, by The Beatles. Guitar lick, melodic bass entry, off-kilter drum fill, and you're off to the races with Drive My Car! In the span of, like, eight seconds. I love how all of it overlaps and energizes the listener. |
@ZeroBlasphemy! I actually haven't seen that movie yet, even though it's Danny Boyle (the Billy Wilder of our times, kind of). And The Beatles! I was always a bit weirded out that the concept sort of ripped off that one manga. Boku Wa Beatles! I've been on a Beatles kick lately, though. Starting with Get Back and rolling into the enormous Abbey Road Box Set which I didn't even know about. Man, they only released albums for, like, five years in total. Crazy. Anyway, I don't think that I actually went to the Cube Club. But maybe I did? My memory is so bad that I honestly can't tell which parts are just made up. @nate38Haha. Having never played the original FFVII, I did enjoy the beginning of the Remake, though. |
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