So far, no interest in the servive...have not even signed up, know almost next to nothing about it. Since I'll never play a mobile game, ever, looks like I'll have even less interest in the service and Nintendo as a whole.
Honestly, I only play my PS4, I honestly have very little interest in Nintendo in the last year or so. I sold my 3ds. Highly doubtful I buy Starfox 0 with the stupid gyro controls. Lost complete interest in Zelda U or whatever its going to be called, especially with all the rumors about the game, if true, I will not be buying.
Unless the NX blows my friggin mind, I'm probably done buying Nintendo products. |
It's slick, but a lot of the rewards don't make sense. There are some games that you can buy with platinum coins, and some that you can only buy with gold coins. And the rewards so far, are kinda weak compared to Club Nintendo. There are no physical things that you can get at all, and you can't even register physical games right now. Getting coins is a pain as well, because the most efficient way to increase your platinum coins right now is to play Miitomo, which I can't do because it uses a ton of space on my phone. So the few rewards that exist are even further restricted for me, as my coins are a scarce resource.
At the moment I am saving my points for Zelda Picross, almost there as well. Should be able to get it next week when my next weekly missions come around. After that, I am not really sure what to get as I have played and finished WarioWare Touched years ago. Isn't anything else really there to care about. Maybe if I could get My Nintendo points with other games I would care more, but you can't so the whole service is kinda boring to me. Hopefully it improves as the NX releases and they are able to use the infrastructure more, but at the moment I don't care about it. |