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How do you feel about Nintendo's 'everyday' games?? [roundtable]
I'm back, baby! And I have come bearing... a roundtable. I remember, during the Touch Generations days, Miyamoto had repeatedly intimated that he wanted to keep the audience coming back every day. Of course this applied to games like Big Brain Academy, Brain Training, Wii Fit, and Nintendogs, but games like Puzzle League and Picross DS had some sort of daily challenge mode. Y'know... OUR games. When the 3DS launched, it was indicated that the onboard software, Streetpass features, and Play Coins were meant to encourage usage and ensure user retention. It seems to me that Nintendo has been putting elements which encourage the user to 'check in' daily into more and more of their games. Of course, all of the free-to-start games have elements of this. It would be easy to attribute this design to Nintendo chasing the mobile market, but, as I already mentioned, Nintendo's been blowing this horn for quite a while. They might be blowing it harder and implementing more modern concepts like timer-based economies to compete with games like Crossy Road and Pac-Man 256, but even titles like Animal Crossing could be seen as early stabs at the concept. Now traditional games like Triforce Heroes and... Triforce Heroes also include elements which reward daily play. In the case of, say, Triforce Heroes, it's not even daily 'play', necessarily, but even just daily check-in. Wake the system up, check the market, try your hand at the daily lottery, and put the system back to sleep. That pretty much sums up the vast majority of my Triforce Heroes sessions. While I was playing Pokemon Rumble World and Shuffle, I similarly made sure to check in and get my daily goodies/gems/whatnot. And I feel an unexplainable sense of loss when I forget to power up Pokemon Picross and complete the daily challenge. I mean, it's not like Picrites grow on trees! So, yes, to a certain extent, it can be said that Nintendo has successfully tricked my weak-minded self into checking in every day, but I don't really think that it's a good thing. My 3DS sessions now typically consist of logging in to the daily apps, doin' my business, and then logging out. As with the Streetpass titles, these types of experiences are seriously diminishing the playtime for traditional games (the type that caused most of us to fall in love with Nintendo in the first place). I haven't touched my enormous backlog in forever. If I think about it rationally, I KNOW that almost any of those games will provide me with far more utils/hour. But, again, weak-minded. What do you guys think about this trend? Is it positive or negative? Is it perhaps a necessary evil to keep up with the Joneseses? Has it seriously changed your gaming habits, particularly in the portable realm? Now, if you'll excuse me, I don't think that I've completed today's Pokemon Picross challenge...URL to share (right click and copy)
12/12/15, 01:21 Edited: 12/12/15, 14:45
Animal Crossing was the first game that I really felt like "oh man, gotta fire it up today" because I didn't want to miss anything. I never adjusted the in-game clock to cheat either, so there was a stretch for like two years where I couldn't be out on a Saturday Night between 8 and midnight because I needed to get the new KK Slider song. I mean, I COULD be out, but I'd have to swing by home for 6 minutes, or be home before 12, or leave after 8. It can probably be construed as "ridiculous," but whatever.
Guitar Hero Live has a daily login thing. I think its broken though, I should report it. You're supposed to get cumulative points when you turn it on on back to back days. I did it a whole bunch, and it always acted like I was on Day 1. Pfft.
I now play WWE SuperCard CONSTANTLY, which is an every day, every minute type of game. Its broken everything. |
I think it depends on how it's handled, for me. Badge Arcade makes me furious because I have so limited play time for free daily, but also it becomes more exciting in a way. Pokemon Picross JUST makes me furious, because I can't buy the game straight out, which is what I would do. :/ I do enjoy the daily element of Pokemon Rumble, though.
I guess I'm fine with it either way. I just don't like being handcuffed. That's where it gets yucky. Pokemon Picross feels like handcuffs. Pokemon Rumble feels more like "Oh, yeah, I'll play for a few minutes today." I guess in PR, I never finish everything I'd like to do before I'm out of options or whatever. I have so many balloons that I could play for 45 minutes or so and still have more to do. With Pokemon Picross, I LITERALLY can only play for about a minute and a half, then I have nothing I can do because of the stupid pay wall. It feels built into Badge Arcade, but the PP one is just bletch. |
@kriswrightCorrect me if I'm wrong, but Animal Crossing is the only game that "punishes" you for not playing everyday. Right? And that was always presented as a feature of the game - to simulate the feeling that the village is its own, living, breathing world. Not necessarily to "force" the player to play all the time. Any other game Nintendo has put out that encourages daily play is, to me, just rewarding players that do play that often. Nothing bad happens if I don't fire up Pokemon Picross everyday. In fact, it's kind of beneficial not to, since next time I play, I'll have lots of in-game time/energy to solve the puzzles. I don't think it's that bad. No one is trying to force your play habits. Gotta remember Kris, not everyone is out to get you. ....well, I mean, they ARE. Definitely. But...just not everyday. |
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