Triumphing over busy schedules and general apathy, the Negative World crew brings you the fourth installment of its epic podcasting saga.
Peppy‑le‑Fox asks the all-important question: is backwards compatibility really as important a thing to have as all the whining on the internet when a new console doesn't have it would lead one to believe?
Pandareus scratches his head and wonders what a Nintendo gamer is supposed to go out and buy during this Wii drought. No, he's not looking for something to play, just like many gamers his shelves are crumbling under piles of unplayed games. But for compulsive game acquirers everywhere, this drought situation is untenable!
Mr_Mustache could have talked about a variety of topics, being the multidimensional onion that he is, but it was made clear to him that if he didn't talk about sports games on the Negative World podcast, no one ever would. Stay tuned after the end song for bonus sports talk!
Finally, Paleo_Orca returns for a second appearance to try and figure out what Augmented Reality is good for, beyond virtual pets and shooters. Will he find the answer he is looking for? And did he really just manage to be on a podcast without once mentioning marine life?
As usual, leave your comments on the podcast, its host, its guests and its topics in this very thread! Or, be a weirdo and post them on Facebook or Twitter instead.
edit: Mustache, the Tecmo football game you're talking about is the DS one. That iteration allows you to edit the entire team roster including the name of the team.
Yes, thats what I'm talking about! Why weren't you on there? Pandareus knows NOTHING about anything sports! ..Except for NHL Slapshot. He LOVES it. 82 games, baby!
--Ugh, why do I talk so fassst?!
EDIT- I'm not yet done with all of my teams, actually. Still working on a few of them (like less than 10 to go..). How much do you guys think Cliff Huxtable weighs? He's 6'1".
Hah, your voice reminds me of a buddy of mine from high school. He's a character to say the least and always had too much energy. Really got people going, in a good way.
Even though I'm not big into sports games I could have held my own talking about old school sports games. NHL 94 was THE game for me. I remember when it was funny to see a Madden football player get injured b/c an ambulance would be coming to run over anyone in its way. My college roommate punched a hole through his bedroom door b/c he lost the "Orange Bowl" in a friendly match up within Game Day. Good times!
NHL '94 is pretty awesome. I own if, of course. That was the year when they took away fighting though. Man, you gotta have fighting in a hockey game! C'mon!
I don't know if I've ever broken any property due to any videogame loss. I'll think about it...
I know I threw a chair one out in my front yard because I missed something someone said on TV. It broke. And I got yelled at.
NHL '94 is pretty awesome. I own if, of course. That was the year when they took away fighting though. Man, you gotta have fighting in a hockey game! C'mon!
I don't know if I've ever broken any property due to any videogame loss. I'll think about it...
I know I threw a chair one out in my front yard because I missed something someone said on TV. It broke. And I got yelled at.
Haha. Man I miss it when the ambulance would come out on the ice and take the injured players away.
I wanted to mention my love for NBA Live 96 and NHL 96 but we had spent too much time on sports already.
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey is awesome. Hitz is pretty much just like it! NHL2K11 isn't too far off. It doesn't feel that far off for me...
But that might be because I played Gretzky, and then Hitz..and then Hitz Pro w/ rules on..and now I'm playing normal hockey with normal rules? I don't know. You definitely can't go offsides, anywhere you want to, and you certainly don't destroy people or set the net on fire.
Isn't it an awesome sound? Apparently it's the sound he makes whenever he hangs up on a phone call.
edit - Yech. I have been listening to it, and it really shows that I wasn't in top shape, doesn't it? I articulate even less well than usual. I really gotta work on that. Plus, I don't think "excommunicated" was the word I was looking for, lol. Banished, I should have said.
i'm listening, I am a podcast junkie so getting to further know the people i met on here is exciting to me. I'm also very interested to be on the show with you guys sometime seeing that i always play tons of different games and have alot of commentary haha.
Hey, thanks for listening! And yeah, I'm always looking for people to be on the podcast. Right now my priority is to get as many new people as I can as, really, getting to hear you people is the whole point.
I'll probably change the way I do things going forward, though, it hasn't worked that well this week. I will drop the list of "hopefuls" I had, and will simply set a time and date and say: those who can make it, you're on! Except that the people who have not yet been on it get priority.
edit - I'm very occasionally on PSN these days, sure! Mostly for Netflix. Haven't sunk my teeth in a meaty PS3 game in a while.
@Pandareus you dont play battlefield at all do you? I have been getting back into bad company 2 and the vietnam expansion lately (headshot someone out of a helicopter last night!!). I have also been dabbling with DC Universe; however, this is my last semester of classes in college so I have limited time and an MMO is the worst thing I should be playing with...
I buy more downloadable psn games than I do disc based games. PSN is the main reason why I have the system. I have my fingers crossed for hte eventual downloadable ps2 games ported for HD. I would really like to play dragon quest 8 on an hd tv; however, I have a feeling that game would be ported to 3ds first!
I've been doing that for years, haha. I think I stole it from Brother Wease (radio dude) back when I was going to college/highschool. But yeah, it snuck in somewhere, and now I don't say "bye" to any of my friends. Its always "huuut!" (and they respond in like) I don't know how to spell it..
EDIT- @-JKR- Ugh! This blows! I demand a reappearance where I can talk about something non-sports. Jerks all around, I tell ya!