The long story short is that Facebook are evil money-grubbing id... well. Anyway, so they made some recent changes where page owners have to pay to get their content into people's news feeds consistently (some stuff will still show up, but it's more sporadic.) Which sort of defeats the purpose of a fan page,
in theory you guys / girls "liked" the page because you are interested in the content, right? So why is Facebook charging page owners to have fans of the page see the content? It makes no sense.
Plus their fees are kind of insane, it's only big businesses that will be able to afford it, so... I hope Facebook users don't mind seeing a bunch of HALO and MOUNTAIN DEW ads in their news feeds instead of the content from the smaller pages that they liked.
Anyway what you can do, if you want to keep seeing our content consistently (and even if you read our content elsewhere, it still helps us a lot if you see / like / share / etc. stuff on Facebook) is the following:
Go to our Facebook page#2. Hover over "liked" (underneath the main site photo, on the right side) and click "get notifications". There should now be a check mark next to it.
You're done! The awesome content flow cannot be stopped! And don't forget to like / share content!!!
And if you're not a fan, you should be. "Like" us already!
URL to share (right click and copy)