I've always had a soft spot for Phantom Hourglass. People dismiss it, but I remember really getting into it! It had such a weird setting and mechanics.
I've replayed a lot of Zelda games in the past few years. Some, I've been surprised by how much I adored, like Minish Cap. Others, I've been surprised by how much I've disliked, like Oracle of Seasons and, to an extent, A Link to the Past. I've learned to see the redeeming qualities in Skyward Sword's puzzle design and the tedium in Majora's Mask's time loop.
The Zelda game that it's been the longest since I've played is Twilight Princess, and I'm waiting for a Switch port of that so I can play it in HD. But it dawned on me the other day that Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks might never get ports, meaning that the time is ripe for a replay.
I was a little concerned going in, after my reaction to OoS. Maybe I was just getting a little sick of Zelda in general?
But no, Phantom Hourglass rules. I only just got to the second dungeon, and it's already one of the most unique Zelda games I've played. On top of packing every gimmick the DS has into its bag of magic tricks, it just controls fundamentally well.
After breaking out my 3DS to play some PH, I revisted a few other games too: Ocarina of Time 3D, Super Mario 3D Land, and Kid Icarus: Uprising. This reminded me that I really don't enjoy playing games on the DS very much. I love holding a nice ergonomic controller and sitting in front of a TV; the DS cramps my hands. It's why I didn't finish Samus Returns and loved Metroid Dread.
But Phantom Hourglass is all touch screen! A lot of people hated this, but to me, it's what a DS game should be. It feels so much nicer on my hands, and the new control style makes for unique gameplay too. Outside of Rhythm Heaven and WarioWare: Touched, Phantom Hourglass is probably the single best DS/3DS game.
It isn't perfect. Skyward Sword's chatty handholding is here in a primordial, ominous form. But when you're actually getting to play, moving through dungeons and solving puzzles with this one-of-a-kind control scheme, it's excellent. Dividing the world up into islands that you can easily move between makes for a really satisfying flow for a portable game. This is why the music sucks too—this isn't meant to be an atmospheric immersive experience that tempts you into wishing you could play it on your TV. This is a DS game! Play it on mute on the subway!
Have you replayed this game lately? Have you replayed it ever? You should! |