Okay! I finally got the game, woo! I thought I'd share some thoughts.
First of all, Harvest Moon (SNES) is my all-time favorite video game. Just to make that note in case it helps color my impressions.
I had a lot of difficulty at the start of this game. As Tbun said above, it was a hard time to get started. I'm working on analyzing why (if anyone might have ideas, let me know so I can add it to my game-dev wisdom), but whatever the reason, I almost called it quits after only a few in-game days. I'm happy to say I didn't, and now after a few weeks in game I am having a ton more fun.
I have some pretty major issues with the game compared to Harvest Moon, but it's hard for me to fault the developer on it. Just made different choices, I guess. I don't like these choices as much as HM. However there are other things that are clearly better overall, and it's a meatier game than most HM titles (and certainly HM1). It also has a pretty good sense of progression once you climb over that initial wall. I now understand the lay of the land and can get to places (mostly) without checking the map 10 times en route.
Overall I would say this is a great little game, even if I prefer Harvest Moon. A little more time spent on aesthetics could have really boosted my enjoyment, I think, as this is the kind of game where visuals matter a great deal, since it is slow paced.

(Example, the cows. HM cows are graphic-design bliss. Those artists knew what they were doing!)
I'm looking forward to playing more. Oh also, for me this wasn't a good "take on a trip" game. I find it is the perfect fit for laying in bed and playing in handheld mode until my eyes get heavy. But that's just me.