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Hyrule Warriors Discussion (Nintendo Wii U) [game]
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Welcome to the official discussion thread for Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U!
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Through all the stories and all the timelines found in the Zelda series... nobody saw this coming. Koei Tecmo and Nintendo team up to take the Dynasty Warriors formula, toss in a lot of Zelda-franchise fan service, and blend that stuff together in a funky mish-mash of Zelda lore that only the Wind Fish could dream up. That game is called Hyrule Warriors.  I was admittedly hesitant on this title upon first announcement. I had no idea what the Dynasty Warriors franchise was all about. I knew I loved Zelda. It wasn't until the excellent Nintendo Direct (embedded below) which sold me on the idea. I'm seeing a lot of reviews, which started coming in today, and they seem to agree that this isn't much of a Zelda game. I have to point out, the name borrows the Warriors from Dynasty Warriors and not Zelda. This alone helps me see what Koei Tecmo and Nintendo were aiming for. This isn't going to be a Zelda main-line game nor is it striving to be. For what it's goals are, and for what Nintendo has contributed to it, I'm pretty excited myself and now there's less than 10 days remaining. The game releases on September 26th, 2014. Fun Facts1.) Sends Link and 12 other playable characters from various Zelda universes into other universes. Mixing things up! 2.) Loaded with various locales, enemies, bosses, items, and music from throughout the Legend of Zelda series. 3.) Series offers plenty of DLC options (detailed below). 4.) Tons of combos and special moves for each character. 5.) 2-player Co-Op (though I hear it's pretty hard on the Wii U processing) 6.) Unique 'Adventure Mode' taking players back into the NES' The Legend of Zelda for a mix of challenges and adventure! (at least on the map) DLC OptionsAmazon.com - Buy from here an you'll get codes for Twilight Princess Costumes Best Buy - Buy from here an you'll get codes for Skyward Sword Costumes Gamestop - Buy from here an you'll get codes for The Ocarina of Time Costumes NOTE: While the Retailer-Specific DLC is day one, shortly after release all DLC will be available for purchase from Nintendo for presumably a small fee. Thus it will be possible to obtain all DLC and not be stuck just because you chose one retailer over another.Upcoming DLC Packs - Various DLC will be available through February (in Japan), see those details here. Useful LinksHyrule Warriors on Nintendo.comOfficial Hyrule Warriors WebsiteGanondorf DLC InformationGoNintendo's Review - very sensible thoughts about this title URL to share (right click and copy)
09/18/14, 04:45 Edited: 09/20/14, 21:41
@TriforceBunThanks for posting that! I was too tired yesterday to do so. I'll maybe add it to the OP or link it. @Hero_Of_HyruleI dunno man, as someone new to this series, that many characters on disc seems like more than enough. @Mop it upI was trying to explain another possible side of this to Ninsage earlier. I could see Nintendo having told the developers to get the game out on X date. But to keep interest going, let some of the team work on some optional DLC to release periodically after. These are probably things that can't be put in the main game to meet the schedule. Plus the game sounds like it's already got more than enough content to call it complete without any DLC. To me, that's a fair reason to have DLC. I don't feel the game is any less enticing if I don't get it. And if it helps, $20 bucks is a lot cheaper than Japan has to pay for all these I believe. So for... - 3 new characters - 1 new scenario - 2 new weapons - 3 new Adventure Maps - 7 new costumes and - 2 new game modes... Seems fair to me. Particularly when it's not even required to enjoy a full game with Zelda as the theme. I'm not complaining. |
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