RawmeatCowboy said:What's the big difference this time? With Experience Share on, now every Pokemon on you but not in battle will receive half the amount of experience of those that battled. Those Pokemon that actually do the fighting will get full experience. In other words, at the very least, every single Pokemon on your person will get half experience regardless of if they battled or not. Oh my God, I cannot tell you how bad I needed something like this. It eliminates my own stupid nature and allows me to avoid some truly terrible situations later on. Yes, you might have to do a bit more leveling at some point, but by and large, you should be ready to go. You get Experience Share early on in the game, so you'll be set for most of your adventure with this feature. Better yet, if Experience Share isn't your thing, just don't use it! I'm loving this quote from the GoNintendo review. The franchise needed this to assist casual players with a more streamlined experience. This feature missing from Black 2 is exactly why I am still only at the fourth gym. I was hoping to complete Black 2 before X, but I think I'll end up beating X then going back for Black 2. |
@-JKR-I know that there's this: Nintendo is at E3 showing off some of the new features of Pokemon X and Y, including the new Player Search System.
Published on Jun 12, 2013 Without a doubt Pokemon X and Y is Nintendo's most anticipated game of the year, and while many will be getting excited (or disappointed) at the inclusion of Fairy-type Pokemon others will be interested to hear how Pokemon X and Y will deal with friends.
So called the PSS - the Player Search System - Pokemon X and Y will include an icon on the bottom of the 3DS screen that will appear for all communication needs.
Other players from Pokemon X and Y will appear as friends, acquaintances and passers-by.
The feature works on both local wireless and internet mode, with the idea being that your copy of Pokemon X and Y is always connected.
Players will appear as avatars on the screen, and can be used to communicate with one another. Even if you leave your 3DS on overnight you'll be able to communicate while you're asleep.
If you play or trade with a passer-by then they'll become acquaintances, and if you do so once again these players will become friends.
You can have up to 100 friends on your PSS. The feature isn't region specific, either, so you could in theory have anyone in the world standing right next to you in the game.
Anyone you have added on your 3DS friends list, however, will automatically be added to the PSS. This system is built to make battling and trading with people around the world much easier.
People who've used it say it's pretty awesome. |