I would love to have them on the Switch right now. Especially considering that I can't make much noise at night in order to not wake up the family. I can't connect headphones to my PS3 directly and my sound system is acting up so the headphones sound weird. So, having all of these on the Switch would allow me to just put on some headphones with a long extension cable and listen to all the shows while watching on the big screen. Plus, I can also watch it on that beautiful large portable screen when I'm not in my room.
I hardly use streaming services on Wii U because they work much better on my PS3. So I really wouldn't miss them at all if they never came to Switch (and I had one). It'd be nice to have the option, but I don't really care.
Yes! I love using the GamePad for Netflix, but I can't bring that with me to work, or heck, not even the other side of the house. I want my Netflix while I'm on the elliptical!
Ha ha, I know, right? To be honest, I didn't even think I would use those apps all that much (or at all) when I downloaded them. But they've come in surprisingly convenient when I travel. And it's nice to be able to watch videos or whatever without having it eat into my phone battery.
Even better? On my N3DS, I can watch YouTube videos in 3D. Neat!
Yes as long as it doesn't come with some additional charge to get it on the console. If they do charge for it, then I have no reason to get it on the console (I'll just stick to watching it on my other devices), which would downgrade me to a "I don't care".
Has there ever been an additional charge to get these kinds of applications on Nintendo systems before? I know my Wii, Wii U and 3DS apps were all free to download.