♪ You're a virtual tiger on the back of a big lion, that is riding a falcon, that is flying through fire ♪
It's Christmas in June. Tuesday the 16th at 9am PST! What's gonna happen? What news will emerge from this year's Nintendo Digital Event, Treehouse Live and the E3 show floor and will it explode with the fury of 1000 Iwata bombs or be a damp squid?
Squib. Damp squib. (sorry, too much Splatoon)
Enter the 2015 Predict-a-ton where you predict megatons and win probably nothing*
*but maybe a trophy?-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
How To Play:======
Here are four sets of statements. Pick all of them you think will come TRUE. (choose as many as you like eg. A2, A3, A7, B1, C10...)
But choose wisely! These predictions are more valuable as they become increasingly risky. Correct picks WIN you points, but incorrect picks LOSE you points.
Will you get more than a negative score? Many have tried and failed. Last year's winner was our Lord and master Zero with a record breaking +62 points.
Please post your predictions by the end of June 15th.
No editing.
Any statements that are officially confirmed in advance of the presentation will be grayed out and you won't be able to pick them after that, so it might help to get your guesses in early.
For the purposes of this challenge, ALL information that comes out during the course of the show will be taken into account. That includes the Digital Event, Treehouse streaming, press meetings, online news... everything that happens before the doors close at the end of day 3.
A) Expected : 2pts01) Mario Maker dated for this year
02) Star Fox trailer
03) Robot Chicken and Mega64 contribute to the Digital Event
04) New DLC announced05) New amiibo revealed06) No Zelda trailer
07) Devil's Third 2015 release date08) Western name for Fire Emblem If
09) At least 2 new Wii U retail games from Nintendo
10) At least 2 new 3DS retail games from Nintendo
B) Rumored : 4pts01) StarFox playable
02) Project Giant Robot and Project Guard are part of StarFox
03) A new NEW 3DS exclusive
04) Pokken Fighters coming to Wii U
05) New Smash Bros. character/s announced06) Xenoblade Chronicles X dated for this year
07) A screen or concept art for Zelda's new direction
08) More DLC for Mario Kart 8
09) Other Nintendo IP coming to Splatoon
10) Amiibo-centric retail game
C) High risk: 6 pts01) HD Remaster of a Zelda/Mario/Metroid game
02) 3D Remaster of a Zelda/Mario/Metroid game
03) Something new from Retro Studios
04) New project from the Nintendo Garage
05) New console RPG
06) Pokemon Z
07) Major new 3rd party game for Wii U
08) A new Wii branded game (Sports/Party etc.)
09) Ryu or Bayonetta for Smash Bros.10) Animal Crossing / Paper Mario / Pikmin 4 Wii U
D) MEGATON : 10 pts01) Brand new Metroid
02) Zelda trailer - psyche!
03) Tokyo EAD trailer
04) Mother 3
05) Next Level Games working on a different Nintendo IP
06) Pokemon amiibo series
07) E3 demos on the eShop
08) A new type of amiibo
09) New Hardware (accessory/add-on/...)
10) NX info slips out
Bonus Prediction: (OPTIONAL)These franchises haven't seen a new game in a while. WIN or LOSE 50 points by picking one to be announced. Remember, this is optional!
Choose from: 1080 Snowboarding, Advance Wars, Excite, F-Zero, Ice Climbers, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Pokemon Snap, Punch-Out!!, Star Tropics, Wario, Waverace.
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