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Retro Game Club Discussion Thread 17: Harvest Moon [community]

Harvest Moon (800 Points): You bought the farm, so now it's time to roll up your sleeves and try living off the fat of the land. Fresh air and the beauty of the outdoors will be fulfilling, but a successful farm needs a lot of working capital as well. There are buildings on your property, but they are in need of livestock. You have a modest house, but if things get lonely in the field, it's going to take a remodel to woo a female farming companion. Your challenge is to dig in and build your life as a farmer from the ground up. How you manage will determine the outcome, but remember, you always reap what you sow!

Why not add Harvest Moon to your collection, and indicate that you are currently playing it? And don't forget to rate it when you're done!


Got hitched (get married)

First Born (have a kid)

Second banana (have a second kid)

We got the pair (have a boy and a girl)

First Year Complete

Second Year Complete

Full Game Complete

All Power Berries got

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04/02/13, 23:41    Edited: 04/09/13, 05:32
I didn't post this yesterday because of the whole April Fools Extravaganza. But now we can begin. I've never played this game before so I'm open to suggestions regarding "Achievements."

By the way, we had a tie between Punch Out and Harvest Moon. If it wasn't for the fresh Yes votes outvoting the Yes. Played it before votes., we'd have had another double header!!!
04/02/13, 23:45   
Sweet! I'll try and dig in once I finish Runner2 (which could be as early as tonight).
04/03/13, 00:06   
Harvest Moon is one of the few games left on the VC that I want, but with everything else "videogame" in my life right now, I just don't have time for this now. Punch-Out!! though? Absolutely.

Enjoy the farming, dudes. Should be fun! (Serious Fun!)
04/03/13, 00:09   
Oh nice, one of the games I originally pitched made it, even if I wasn't the one who pitched it this time.

Looking forward to digging into this soon. First night on Harvest Moon is always a pain.
And a helpful hint to you all. Nights are endless in Harvest Moon so you should do your planting and watering and other general farm activities at night so you can gather flowers and berries in the mountains of a daytime to sell off.
04/03/13, 02:01   
I'm surprised Punch-Out!! didn't win, given the whole 30 cent craze. I like the Harvest Moon series, but, I don't feel like they've changed all that much over the years, but have definitely gotten better. So, I'm not particularly interested in playing the first game, even though I never have, so I may skip this one.
04/03/13, 02:37   
@Mop it up I was surprised too. It won because of the yes votes since it was technically a tie. I would have been happy either way.
04/03/13, 02:43   
@Mop it up
I have barely played any of the Harvest Moon games apart from this one and the PS1 game.

And I still love the series.

But this game holds up really well, better than some 64 games.
04/03/13, 02:52   
Okay started last night and did the first day.Yeah I didn't play for long.

BUT I managed to clear up a ton of area and plant my first lot of potatoes and grass. Tonight I will get some turnip seeds and plant those as well as go fishing and start clearing the farm up more and using my hoe.

Oh yeah. I'll be using my hoe all night long.
04/04/13, 07:06   
So is anyone playing this at the moment? So far it seems like I am the only one playing it?!!

Some possible Achievements would be completing the respective years or getting all the Power Berries.
e.g. First Year Complete
Second Year Complete
Full Game Complete
All Power Berries got

And I am pretty sure I am the only one playing on Cartridge here. Yay for me.
04/06/13, 12:38   
I've played it before but I'm not playing now. It's pretty damn great of a game though. I love the music and the gameplay was perfectly simple in the SNES version The 64 version made it even better, but the SNES got the series off on the right foot.
04/06/13, 15:20   
I plan on starting soon, just haven't been able to yet!
04/06/13, 16:27   
I have never played the 64 version. Gonna have to add it to my list of 64 Carts to get.

Baby>Harvest Moon
04/07/13, 04:48   

Oh man. HM64 is even better than the SNES IMO. Friends of Mineral Town on GBA is my favorite 2D, but to this day HM64 is my favorite 3D one, that and maybe Tree of Tranquility too.
04/07/13, 05:00   
Yeah as I was growing up I didn't like HM as much. Now though I am older it is much more appealing.
04/07/13, 05:19   
I'll probably start tomorrow. I've been working these past few days and trying to finish Devil May Cry 2, which sucks balls by the way.
04/07/13, 06:31   
Ok, at least I haven't been completely abandoned.
04/07/13, 10:18   
Edited: 04/07/13, 10:19
Pokefreak911 said:

Baby>Harvest Moon

Yeah, so true.

But I still make some time for my games yo. It's just a little bit harder, is all.
04/07/13, 10:22   
My Mum kinda stopped gaming while I was growing up apart from playing puzzle games with my Nanna or Mario Party with us. Luckily she introduced me to games first.
04/07/13, 16:54   
My first week of crops is done and am now halfway through the first season. Will hopefully have a chicken in the next few in game days which will give me a nice daily profit boost. Well on the way too getting my house upgrade and cow next season.
04/08/13, 04:38   
Edited: 04/08/13, 04:39
OK, so I started playing this at last! Downloaded it on Wii VC, unlike my buddy @Pokefreak911 who's playing the cart.

For the record, I remember playing two Harvest Moon games in the past: On the N64, which I poured a ton of hours into (and loved it), followed by playing the GBC version, which felt more of the same, so I didn't play it as long.

Quick impressions:
-Some of the translation is a bit rough, but I like it.
-Conversation text kind of hard to read sometimes because of the pixelated attempt to make a transparent window.
-It's neat how the run button works without having to press the d-pad.
-Love the hero's animations when he's idle, which is enabled when he's talking to people.
-Funny descriptions abound when you check stuff like shelves, etc. "You are such a restless guy!"
-Days pass by very quickly!

Pokefreak911 said:
And a helpful hint to you all. Nights are endless in Harvest Moon so you should do your planting and watering and other general farm activities at night so you can gather flowers and berries in the mountains of a daytime to sell off.

So... there's no disadvantage to working all night long then? Seems like an oversight in the game if that's the case, but then again, this is the first in the series! So you can basically clear out your entire field if you wanted to?

So far I'm only a few days in. Planted my first potato with the little money I have, as well as the grass in my shed. I'm not sure if I wasted my time but I also checked out 'Neighbor town, Back hill.' I assume this is the mountain area where I pick flowers and berries to sell?

Pokefreak911 said:
My Mum kinda stopped gaming while I was growing up apart from playing puzzle games with my Nanna or Mario Party with us. Luckily she introduced me to games first.

What a wonderful mom indeed.
04/09/13, 05:03   
Edited: 04/09/13, 05:05
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