OK, so I started playing this at last! Downloaded it on Wii VC, unlike my buddy
@Pokefreak911 who's playing the cart.
For the record, I remember playing two Harvest Moon games in the past: On the N64, which I poured a ton of hours into (and loved it), followed by playing the GBC version, which felt more of the same, so I didn't play it as long.
Quick impressions:
-Some of the translation is a bit rough, but I like it.
-Conversation text kind of hard to read sometimes because of the pixelated attempt to make a transparent window.
-It's neat how the run button works without having to press the d-pad.
-Love the hero's animations when he's idle, which is enabled when he's talking to people.
-Funny descriptions abound when you check stuff like shelves, etc. "You are such a restless guy!"
-Days pass by very quickly!
Pokefreak911 said:And a helpful hint to you all. Nights are endless in Harvest Moon so you should do your planting and watering and other general farm activities at night so you can gather flowers and berries in the mountains of a daytime to sell off.
So... there's no disadvantage to working all night long then? Seems like an oversight in the game if that's the case, but then again, this is the first in the series! So you can basically clear out your entire field if you wanted to?
So far I'm only a few days in. Planted my first potato with the little money I have, as well as the grass in my shed. I'm not sure if I wasted my time but I also checked out 'Neighbor town, Back hill.' I assume this is the mountain area where I pick flowers and berries to sell?
Pokefreak911 said:@roykoopa64
My Mum kinda stopped gaming while I was growing up apart from playing puzzle games with my Nanna or Mario Party with us. Luckily she introduced me to games first.
What a wonderful mom indeed.