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Retro Game Club Discussion Thread - 04 - Super Turrican [community]
 The Turrican series originated on the Commodore 64 and its existence was taken as proof that at a time when action games were usually made a) by the Japanese and b) for consoles only, the West could create a balls-out PC action game that can hang with the best of the genre. Usually defined as a fusion of Metroid and Contra, both Turrican games had huge labyrinthine levels, immense firepower, and fast-paced action. The real thrill of the game is exploring every nook and cranny and discover the secrets hidden everywhere. You are packed with weaponry, and you can roll up into a ball and drop mines as you go (hmmm...). Sadly, the C64 games are not available on the Virtual Console. But the game we get to play is usually considered the most faithful console adaptation of this franchise! The Megadrive had a complete port that suffered from problematic sound (a crime considering the quality of the soundtrack) and controls, followed by a linear original game that seemed to miss the point. But Super Turrican got the right idea. Almost completely original, and developed by the now legendary Factor 5 development studio, Super Turrican had gameplay reminiscent of the original games, a soundtrack optimized for the SNES's powerful sound chip (look at that Dolby Surround logo on the box!), and it controls very smoothly. Purists complain about the snow level which seems out of place for the franchise, as well as the fact that the game as a whole seems like a "patchwork" of the previous games. But who cares? It's as close to the Turrican experience as we can get without getting a C64 or Amiga. Above: the Amiga version of Turrican, which we won't be playingWhy not add Super Turrican to your collection, and indicate you are currently playing it? And don't forget to rate it when you're done! List of AwesomeA list paying tribute to all the brave warriors who play the game to completionNate38 X-pert74 Guillaume VofEscaflowne helaciouscrumb List of AwesomerTo get on this list, attempt a time or score attacknate38 - 1 hour, 20 minutes X-pert74 - 182,400 points VofEscaflowne - 228,000 points Guillaume - 234,100 points List of AwesomestA list for one (or two). Reserved for time or score attack record holder(s)nate38 - 1 hour, 20 minutes Guillaume - 234,100 points URL to share (right click and copy)
05/14/11, 06:38 Edited: 10/27/11, 08:07
FINISHEDTotal play time: 2 hours, ten minutesCompletion time (according to Wii Message Board): 1 hour, 20 minutesSo yeah, each Results Screen comes after three stages. So you'll see four Results Screens total. I was doing REALLY well until the... on rails level. One platforming section in that cost me about ten lives before I finally got through it. The snow level was also kind of a bitch. and LOL at the end of the credits: "If you want to contact Factor 5, write to 101 Lucas Valley Road San Rafael, CA 94903 USA" I wonder if they're still there =P But yeah, pretty cool game. VofEscaflowne said: Like @nate38 said, power ups are everywhere and there's almost too much. I'm still not sure how you power them up...? From what I can tell, each time you collect a colored orb, its corresponding weapon levels up (and you switch to it). So if you pick up a red orb, you'll get spread shot. If you pick up a blue orb after that, you'll get power shot. If you pick up a second red orb after that, you'll get spread shot level 2. If you pick up a yellow orb after that, you'll get the ricochet shot. If you pick up a second blue orb after that, you'll get power shot level 2. And so on...you'll keep your upgrades until you have to use a Continue. Personally, I like the spread shot and power shot a lot more than the ricochet, but it can be good to pick up some early ricochets so that if I accidentally grab one later, it won't be the weak level 1 version. And in some cases, the game seems to put a certain weapon in an unavoidable spot, so you won't always have a choice. I like the freeze beam a lot. It's key to keeping yourself from getting hit by the larger, faster enemies. Plus, I think enemies take a little more damage when frozen. Don't forget about the shockwave attack thing: you get another one or two of those when you pick up a special blue orb, so you don't have to save them up too much. Also, I didn't the morph ball very much, but apparently it makes you invulnerable to some attacks? That's what it seemed like, anyway. |
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