3DS: 2148-8145-2704
Wii: 8855-0931-3572-4211
Hey all! I'm Davoid. I'm a self employed web programmer and I'm from Montréal, Québec. I used to work for a french Nintendo-centric website(zecube.net) around the GBA & NGC years. The website has since merged with other small ones to form "
gamers.fr". The website is still going strong but I do not have anything to do with it.
Back in the days, I hung pretty much on a daily basis on the video gaming forums, but it's been a long while since I did. I'm a Nintendo loyalist at heart but my interaction with the internet gaming community has been very minimalist for almost 8 years now. I listen to alot of podcast to take the pulse of the industry and the gamers at large from time to time. I manage a small
Facebook page related to Nintendo podcasts.
I'm a "old" hardcore gamer in the sense that my responsabilities do not allow me to play as much as I'd like. I'm still very passionnate about the franchises I cherish. I play most of Nintendo's franchises and I like to share my love of the medium. I also like Capcom & Atlus alot.
I mostly play on my 3DS because it allows me to play for short bursts while I takes pauses. RPGs, Adventure games, Platformers are my main gaming genres. I like exploration and discovery in my games. I played Pokémon Black for over 999:59 hours and I go back to it from time to time. I support Operation Rainfall as much as I can. I imported Xenoblade from the UK & preordered from Nintendo when they announced it for North America. I plan to do the same for The Last Story if I have the money for it.
Feel free to PM me if you wanna play something. ;)
Games I'm playing: •
Deadly Creatures (Wii)
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard (DS)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)
Mighty Flip Champs! (DS)
Pokémon Black Version 2 (DS)
Pushmo (3DS)
Rayman Origins (Wii)
Senran Kagura Burst (3DS)
Summer Carnival '92: RECCA (NES)