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Top Ten 3DS Virtual Console Wishlist Part 1: Game Boy [top ten]
03/15/11, 09:08 Edited: 05/29/11, 05:59
Release Date: September 28, 1998 Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Nintendo My first experience with Pokemon was with Blue and Yellow. However, I only reached the third badge on Yellow. This became a recurring thing for me. I only reached the third badge in each consecutive game and then stopped playing. It wasn’t until I bough Fire Red that I finally beat the whole game. After that, I finished Diamond and Soul Silver and am currently on my way to my third badge in Pokemon Black. I would love to play (and finish) the original games though. Especially if Nintendo is able to make the games link wirelessly and through Wi-Fi for battling and trading. I am most looking forward to Pokemon Blue, which was the first Pokemon game I played. I intend to finish this game all the way through, once and for all. Trivia: In Red Version, the opening scene shows a Gengar and a Nidorino engaged in battle. In Blue Version, the Nidorino is replaced with a Jigglypuff. This change was not retained in FireRed and LeafGreen Versions, which both depict a Gengar and Nidorino squaring off. The American staff in charge of localizing the games tried to change the Pokémon designs, however, Tsunekaz Ishihara (President and CEO of the Pokemon Company, and producer) refused the proposal. 
Release Date: August 1989 Developer: Bulletproof Software; Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo This was my first Gameboy game, as it probably was for most people. I was perplexed that Nintendo would decide to package the Gameboy with a launch game that was not Mario. That is, of course, until I played the game. I was immediately hooked. The graphics were nothing special, but the gameplay was something else. It was easy to learn, but difficult to master; and extremely addictive to boot. The music is also very memorable and catchy. Even though there have been many versions of the game throughout the years, the first one will always hold a special place for me. Trivia: Initially, Nintendo planned to package Super Mario Land with the Game Boy, but decided to package Tetris instead at the insistence of Henk Rogers, who convinced Nintendo of America head Minoru Arakawa that a Mario title would only sell the Game Boy to young boys instead of everyone. After a player exits pause mode (toggled using the start button), the background music continues with an added bassline which stops when the next phrase of the song begins. Nintendo has offered no explanation for this anomaly. The “Type A" music is based on the Russian folk song Korobeiniki which can be heard in the movie “The Deer Hunter”. 
03/15/11, 09:08 Edited: 05/29/11, 05:59 |
Excellent list. I love the details you included for each game, including all the videos you selected! I had the old brick Game Boy back in the day, and at first I did not remember the name Solar Striker, but after watching the video I know I did play it as a kid. Now I can add it to my Wanted List!I added some of these games to the NW game database so you guys can add them to your wanted list as well. sirmastersephiroth, I used some of the videos you selected for these entries, hope that's cool with you: Solar StrikerMotocross ManiacsOther Game Boy games I want to see come to the 3DS service have already been mentioned: Castlevania series TMNT series (I loved Fall of the Foot Clan) and @GameDadGrant, I agree with Kid Dracula, most definitely! (A game I unfortunately never played.) |
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